Showing posts with label Chimpy blows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chimpy blows. Show all posts

Thursday, August 24, 2006

“There is no rational reason left to oppose this research.”

Bush Administration Invents New Excuse To Oppose Embryonic Stem Cell Research

This new excuse is hopelessly vague. Lawrimore provided no elaboration on what those “ethical questions” and “concerns” exactly were. As Dr. Robert Lanza, who led the breakthrough project, stated, “There is no rational reason left to oppose this research.”

Reasoned thinking from the Bush regime? Rational thinking? Who the fuck do you think you are? Bush Co. isn't about rational. Bush Co. doesn't give a flying fuck about rational. It's about hypocritical ideology. Oh, and Power. Actually, uh..Money and Power. Yea, that's it. This is about Chimpy giving his theocratic, Un-Jesus like wing-nut-bag base a big, wet sloppy blow job while simultaneously fucking over the majority of Americans.