Showing posts with label Perception Management Managers "News Management". Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perception Management Managers "News Management". Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2007

"news management," is a sub-set of Perception Management

I think people often miss, there's the "news" and then there's the "talking about the news." The latter is how most people ultimately get their information, how conventional wisdom and subsequent coverage is generated, etc. No matter what the circulation of the New York Times, if an op-ed lands on its pages and Wolf Blitzer doesn't hear about it one cannot conclude that it made a sound.

They are getting their word out, the press sensing a new narrative is playing along (yea we're winning!) and dissent once more gets drowned out. This is a huge problem for the left and one that we'd better learn how to deal with. It's not censorship --- it's "news management," which gets them to the same end.