Showing posts with label Republican Right Wing Domestic Terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Right Wing Domestic Terrorist. Show all posts

Monday, June 01, 2009

Randall Terry is respnsible for the death of Dr Tiller.

Fan mob sentiment, the mob kills, YOU are to blame. Wouldn't you agree Bill? Let's go Teabagging!

UPDATE! Hate to go personal here, but apparently Scott Roeder was bald, fat, divorced, crappy moustache, anti-tax, unemployed, couldn't pay his bills - just a real winner. But the Coup de Grace, the over the top, peak wing nut is this: Scott Roeder blames HIS son for not stopping him sooner. I kid thee not.
Lindsay and the couple's 22-year-old son had little contact with Scott until recently.

On Friday, Scott called and insisted on going to the movies and dinner with his son. His son relented.

"He's just devastated and embarrassed. He thinks could I have done something to stop my dad,” she said.

Lindsey added that she and her son do not share Scott’s views.

Scott got a divorce after a conviction in 1996. Here is Scott's wife:
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. – The ex-wife of Scott Roeder is speaking out for the first time. She paints a picture of an unstable man obsessed with the issue of abortion.

“It was a very selfish, mean, cruel, horrible thing to do,” said Lindsey Roeder. She is referring to possible charges against her ex-husband.

Poor woman. Poor kid.