Showing posts with label Republican Sex Crimes against Children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Sex Crimes against Children. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

FBI Contacting Pages; Evidence Foley Solicited Sex

FBI agents have begun to contact former congressional pages in the growing investigation of disgraced former Congressman Mark Foley, according to federal law enforcement officials.

At least one former page has reportedly offered evidence that Foley sought to solicit sex during instant message exchanges over the Internet.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Members of Congress, staff, could face criminal conspiracy charges in the GOP Pedophile Sex Crime/Coverup of the Foley case

I'm waiting for one of the past pages to sue the entire GOP leadership.

Hastert wants an investigation - as to who leaked the Crime! He doesn't want an investigation into the GOP Gay Pedophile who conducted the sex crime!

Hastert wants an investigation - as to what Democrat(s) leaked the info on Foley to ABC. Typical. Bust the source, not the GOP criminal. Prick. Hang 'im.

GOP Staff Warned Pages About Foley in 2001. Republican Pages only

Selfish, Power Hungry Republicans (ie Compassionate Conservatives) Left Democratic Children Vulnerable to GOP Pedophile.

Several Democratic pages tell ABC News they received no such warnings about Foley.

White House encourages Cover Up of Gay Republican Pedophile Felonies.

Barlett: White House Opposes Independent Probe of Foley Scandal, Praises House Leadership As ‘Very Aggressive’