Showing posts with label babs should have aborted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babs should have aborted. Show all posts

Monday, September 08, 2008

"Hey, you need to know that the White House is throwing you under the bus,"

Bush's decision had been opposed by Casey and Abizaid, his military commanders in Iraq. Pace and the Joint Chiefs, his top military advisers, had suggested a smaller increase, if any at all. Schoomaker, the Army chief, had made it clear that the five brigades didn't really exist under the Army's current policy of 12-month rotations. But on this morning, the president delivered his own version of history.

"The commanders on the ground in Iraq, people who I listen to -- by the way, that's what you want your commander-in-chief to do. You don't want decisions being made based upon politics or focus groups or political polls. You want your military decisions being made by military experts. They analyzed the plan, and they said to me and to the Iraqi government: 'This won't work unless we help them. There needs to be a bigger presence.' "

Bush went on, "And so our commanders looked at the plan and said, 'Mr. President, it's not going to work until -- unless we support -- provide more troops.' "

Chimpy. A lying sack of shit cock sucker.

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's about fathers dying young. It's about healing. And you can only be on one side of that debate.

When you face a conservative movement that is wholly dedicated to putting up roadblocks and turning off the spigot of empathy, making this a cruel and angry and paranoid and fearful nation, it can be hard not to fight back in the same manner. But I think, while engaging in the fight is fundamental to the survival of this democracy, occasionally we have to step back and recognize the human truths. Elizabeth Edwards is heroically battling on the front lines for reforming our broken health care system. But she hasn't forgotten that the issue goes beyond spreadsheets and mandates - it's about fathers dying young, sons without treatment for their ills, mothers who can't afford their pills. It's about healing. And you can only be on one side of that debate.

no, No, NO! Fuck Tony Snow. He hurt thousands. Tens of thousands. He and his family benefited through his deception. Yes, Elizabeth Edwards is great. But FIND ANOTHER FUCKING POSTER CHILD FOR NATIONAL HEALTH CARE. Tony Snow is, WAS, thank GOD, a fucking LIAR. Fuck you dday. Do NOT give Tony the smallest quarter. NONE.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

I hope I served the United States by living in Latin America and I hope I was a good representative of the US.

Hearing that, I was struck by how similar her service is to that of her father's. Just as Our Leader fought vietcongunistofascism by drunkenly hunting for Ho Chi Minh in honky tonks across Texas and Alabama, our brave little Jenna stumbles naked down Argentine hotel hallways in pursuit of our potential enemies. She is certainly her father's daughter.