Showing posts with label false flag attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false flag attack. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

US is fighting Iraq for Israel: Israel to participate in False Flag Attack with Iran

'US withdrawal from Iraq would be disastrous for Israel'

False Flag Attack: US Israel & Iran

With the country (intentionally?) distracted by a sex scandal, and Rove's REAL October Surprise imminent, it's time to shift the focus back to Iran. The ONLY thing that would justify the cancellation of elections and the declaration of Martial Law would be a "Nuclear Crisis." The only thing that will prevent Bush's entire cabinet from going to prison is the cancellation of elections.

A FALSE FLAG attack on a US Naval vessel would be declared the equivalent of an attack on US soil. This would "justify" Israel attacking Iran with Sub-launched nukes. Keep in mind, both the sinking of the US vessel and the purported retaliatory strike could all come from one Israeli sub. As described above, it's tough to sink an aircraft carrier. Apparently the only way to ensure that there are no witnesses (see USS Liberty incident) is to vaporize it with a mini-nuke. Did we send any to Israel in the recent delivery?

The "terrorists" are in the White House - and run the Propaganda machinery. What did Ralston and Abramoff know about false terror alerts, and when did they know it? How many other Republicans know that the terror threats are MANUFACTURED? How many others know that 9/11 was an inside job that Cheney ran through NORAD? How many know that GHW Bush is the ACTUAL President, and everything we are being put through is specifically designed to cover the trail of his own criminality?

Assume that nearly every Congressman and Senator is being blackmailed. Once you see the ability of Israel (Comverse) to wiretap every phone, and realize that only men of low moral character are allowed to enter the political arena (through the
AIPAC filter), it becomes crystal clear how the US Congress was effectively neutered.

The truth is the only cure for blackmail. Expose it all...URGENTLY.

It's time for the US Navy to step forward, and neutralize the Israeli sub and stop this madness.