Showing posts with label gangsta gangsta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gangsta gangsta. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Signs border fence bill, yet Congress OK'd separate bill 'ensuring it's never built.'

Bush 'fence' bill won't create fence

Think Progress

Bowing to anti-immigration hardliners in the House, President Bush today held a White House ceremony celebrating the signing of the "Secure Fence Act." Bush told reporters, "The bill authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our southern border."

Bush is right, the bill does "authorize" the constrution of a new fence. But that doesn’t mean the bill pays for it.

If you were married you these people, "You'd go get yourself a gun.."

White House ordered Abramoff visit records destroyed

"Today [CREW] filed an administrative appeal with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for failing to disclose communications regarding the handling of Secret Service visitor records," the statement said. "CREW is seeking records of communications NARA had with the Secret Service regarding the agency's practice of destroying visitor records to the White House." -- The Raw Story