Showing posts with label republican fascism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republican fascism. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Is this how Rove fucks us? I don't think Rove wants Chimpy to EVER leave power.

Why Is Bush Waiting On Military Commissions Act? :.

The big question at the moment is why Bush has delayed signing the legislation even in the midst of fast-tracking other bills of little significance?

It was reported by the Washington Post over the weekend that Bush and Karl Rove are "inexplicably upbeat" about the upcoming midterm elections and expected the Democrats to easily fall short of the 15-seat threshold that would see them recapture the House.

In the face of scandals piled atop scandals and the universal unpopularity of the ongoing quagmire in Iraq, how on earth can Bush and Rove expect to employ successful damage limitation, absent some intervening event or the "October surprise" that Rove himself promised.

The arrogance of the Neo-Cons has led many to fear that HR 6166 is being maintained in a holding position in anticipation of a major event that will give the Bush administration carte blanche to expand its provisions and sharpen its focus to further target American citizens.