Monday, June 16, 2008

Bush gives OK for oil companies to annoy and kill polar bears in the pursuit of oil

Last month, the Bush administration declared polar bears a threatened species because of global warming.

This month, the administration gave permission for companies to “annoy and potentially harm them in the pursuit of oil and natural gas,” the Associated Press reported Saturday.

Bush: Critics Of Gitmo, Abu Ghraib And Rendition Are ‘Slandering America’

From ThinkProgress:

BOULTON: There are those who would say look, lets take Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib, and rendition and all those things and to them that is the complete opposite of freedom.

BUSH: Of course, if you want to slander America.

What aWol fails to acknowledge, (and the conflagration must be intentional), is that the people who oppose Abu Ghraib, Gitmo et al are not slandering America, they just hate you, George aWol Bush. They hate YOU and your crony enablers. They hate YOU because YOU are hurting America. You.

deranged fear-mongering

Casually threatening Americans with the loss of a city unless they allow their Government to violate core constitutional guarantees is deranged fear-mongering in its most unadorned form, exactly what every two-bit tyrant tells his country about why they must be deprived of basic liberties. But what makes it all the more notable is how repeatedly Gingrich invokes this same deranged formulation in order to argue for a whole array of policies he supports -- we better accept what Gingrich wants or else we'll "lose a city"

Thursday, June 12, 2008

“Warren G. Harding was a negro.”

Oh, you funny, funny racists. I hope you all, all, burn in hell. Fuck you. No really, fuck YOU, sincerely. By the way, does this douche bag look like Ted Stephens (corrupt republicant, Alaska) or not?

“Well, you make it sound as though this is the first time we’ve had a black president.”

“Warren G. Harding was a negro.”

–John McLaughlin of The McLaughlin Group

I’ve never watched The McLaughlin Group, but I didn’t think John McLaughlin was some sort of crazy person. In fact, had someone told me they had heard John McLaughlin say these things, I would not have believed them. I saw it for myself while watching last night’s episode of The Colbert Report tonight during The ThreatDown.

The cubicle mercenary force or how it sucks to be the Pentagon today.

The Pentagon is in crisis: The war in Iraq is entering its fifth hot summer. And while U.S. troop casualties are down, the light at the end of the occupation tunnel is no closer and no brighter.

Headaches mount on the home front as well. The head of the Air Force was recently embarrassed and forced from the cockpit. Billions of dollars have been misplaced or misspent. Huge cost overruns bedevil weapons contractors. And, private contractors have formed a cubicle mercenary force, outnumbering uniformed personnel and federal employees in many DoD agencies.

The Government Accountability Office has issued a series of reports on these problems. While the watchdog agency sticks to the script of analytic bureaucratese, what they document is cumulatively damning to business as usual at the Pentagon.

Money Problems

"The mood at the CIA and Pentagon was 'war is coming' because the Bush Family stands to make billions from it -- so get ready."

On May 16, 2008, Arrigo sent extensive government corruption and cover-up information to Henry Waxman, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee - in 12 separate cases. This article covers four of them or about one-third of what Congress got. The 12 are explosive and revealing but just the tip of the iceberg:

-- of government corruption and war profiteering;

-- sweetheart deals and kickbacks;

-- high-level types on the take;

-- trillions of missing dollars;

-- on September 10, 2001, Rumsfeld admitting "According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions;"

-- imagine the current amount;

-- its corrosive effect on the nation; and people should

-- demand accountability - who profits, who pays and what are the consequences of militarism gone mad.

Michelle said "Whitey". Barack is a Muslim. Barack won't put his hand over his heart..


Army public affairs office promotes ‘Obama = surrender’ talking point.

Note to US Army Publica Affairs Office: This is BAD Perception Management. You're doing it wrong. Good initiative, bad judgement. From ThinkProgress..

And more to the point, why is the Army’s official in-house public affairs shop linking to this kind of stuff? Just a few weeks ago, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told all hands to stay out of politics. … Unfortunately, the message didn’t get to through to the Army.

Supreme Court of the US hands ChimpCo it's ASS.

Wow. Detainees had legal rights under the Constitution or Geneva. Fascist everywhere lament the loss of the the republic, we're sure.

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have rights under the Constitution to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts.

The justices handed the Bush administration its third setback at the high court since 2004 over its treatment of prisoners who are being held indefinitely and without charges at the U.S. naval base in Cuba. The vote was 5-4, with the court's liberal justices in the majority.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the court, said, "The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

republican ignorance/bigotry holds up AIDS/HIV prevention

From Think Progress:

The Senate has introduced a bipartisan bill tripling funding for President Bush’s program to fight HIV/AIDS. The $50 billion budget over five years would go toward the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which is set to expire in September.

The legislation, however, is being held up by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) and six other conservative senators who object to the fact that the program would direct most of the spending on the “prevention” of HIV/AIDS, rather than just “treatment.” The treatment of HIV/AIDS-infected individuals is “the No. 1 prevention protocol we have” argued Coburn.