Thursday, June 19, 2008

Barack Obama, #1 Democrat, is silent.

The point of telecom immunity is to protect the Bush administration - and those in Congress who enabled them - from having to answer for what they have done. There’s no other good reason for it.

Moody's Downgrades MBIA and Ambac

Californian writes:
Writing this from a beach in SoCal. Nice weather, but the economy tanks all around. 95 per cent of current mortgage financing come from either Fannie, Freddie or the third gov play. Gas soon at 5 bucks a gallon. US financial system effectively nationalized, with banks converting junk for quality paper at tax payer's expence. Face it people. US is a massive corporate welfare state. Nationalization and gov financing on this scale is unique. The fact is that the corporate corprupted gov speaks ca but always chooses socialism when it suits their masters = big corporate socialist Amerca.
Californian | 06.19.08 - 6:46 pm | #

Bob Dobbs writes:
"The fact is that the corporate corprupted gov speaks ca but always chooses socialism when it suits their masters = big corporate socialist Amerca."

Corporate socialism = fascism. Been here some time.

Enjoy the waves. Nice day up here in Santa Cruz. Escaped from my cube long enough to walk down to the water at lunch. Days like this, you know why people were willing to pay too much for those houses.
Bob Dobbs | Homepage | 06.19.08 - 7:11 pm | #

Marital status of Lara Logan

for the record, several staffers here have already pledged their love to Lara. The combination of looks, intelligence just leads these people to type with one hand.

UN Ambassador John Bolton hopes for more American terrorist death, more attacks on Americans.

Gee, that's not such a nice thing to say. Why would he wish for "more embassy bombings, more bombings of our warships like the Cole, more World Trade Center attacks." Oh, yea, John Bolton is a useless neocon Domestic Terrorist. That's why. No surprise Domestic Terrorist Bolton was on Faux Spews when he made his terrorist threats.

the world's largest bond insurers aren't worthy of a AAA credit rating and may be headed for the bottom of the scale.

Atrios is right. They need to be downgraded. It's only a mater of time. They are broke, insolvent, and they are just delaying the inevitable.

Not only is Don Young (R - Alaska) an asshole, he's a corrupt asshole.

Young is one of CREW's most corrupt assholes in congress.

disgraced Gen Peter Pace revieves Medal of Freedom for failure of his faith based war

While serving as Joint Chiefs chairman, Pace consistently defended the Bush administration’s failed policies, claiming that Rumsfeld “leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country.” In 2007, he defended the military’s ban on gays serving openly in the military, stating, “I believe that homosexual acts between individuals are immoral.”

disgraced Gen Peter Pace revieves Medal of Freedom for failure of his faith based war

While serving as Joint Chiefs chairman, Pace consistently defended the Bush administration’s failed policies, claiming that Rumsfeld “leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country.” In 2007, he defended the military’s ban on gays serving openly in the military, stating, “I believe that homosexual acts between individuals are immoral.”

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You Know The Drill

This is all a game. Bush and McCain want to funnel oil services contracts to corporate boardrooms, not oil to consumers. They either have some polling about how fear of higher gas prices will allow them to gain some populist support for these measures, or they're just following the Republican playbook since the energy crisis of the late 1970s. Whatever it is, they certainly aren't interested in delivering more oil.

BartCop on Timmeh's fraudulent, self-serving confession.

"In Bill Moyers’ documentary, Buying the War, Russert claims that he didn’t raise
sufficient doubts about what Cheney and others were telling him because critics and
skeptics weren’t contacting him. He tells Moyers: “To this day, I wish my phone had
rung, or I had access to them.”
-- "Russert and the decay of the American whore media," Link

Poor little Timmeh, sole boss of "the Cathedral of Washington Journalism," (Doris Kearns
Goodwin) couldn't get any powerful people in Washington to talk to him?

He didn't cover the second biggest story of Bush's reign because nobody called him?
Is that what Woodward and Bernstein did in 1973 - sit and wait for their phone to ring?

Plus, notice how they have to go back to 1991 - the David Duke interview - to show
us how great Timmeh was at interviewing people?

Why couldn't they show his more recent tough-as-nails interview with Der Fuhrer or Cheney?
Oh, that's right - he was busy licking their ass and pushing their bloody quagmire.

How can anybody look up to this joke?

Michael Alan Weiner, AKA Michael Savage says two men holding hands is "mental rape"

We're thinking if you tried to explain to a young child why two men holding hands is "mental rape" the way you prescribe, you'd be well, mentally raping the child.

CALLER: Yes, I'm calling from the People's Republic of Monterrey, and I had to explain to my young son why these two men were holding hands the other day and he said, "Dad, didn't they say that that's wrong in the Bible?" And I said, "Yes, they did, and yes it's wrong" and yes to everything that he had to say about it. And I told him, I said, "That's the wrongest thing you've ever seen besides the rest of the politicians and the media and CNBC." Because --

SAVAGE: You've got to try to explain to the children why the -- why God told people this was wrong. You've got to explain to them, to the children, how it twists everything. Just take them down to a duck pond and show them a boy duck and a girl duck and then show the ducklings and say to them, "There must be a boy duck and a girl duck for there to be babies." It's the same with a dog, puppies come from a mother duck -- a mother pup, a mother dog. There needs to be a boy dog and a girl dog. You have to explain this to them in this time of mental rape that's going on. The children's minds are being raped by the homosexual mafia, that's my position. They're raping our children's minds.

If McSame is elected, we can call it the Old, White, retirement House

Shorter Hugh Hewitt: I'm jealous that the Democrats are expressing their happiness and glee in a way that I'm too old to understand.

Or, new things scare me. Seriously, Hugh is just a clueless penis.

Pentagon counsel William Haynes degraded the integrity of the United States military.

You did a disservice to the soldiers of this nation. You empowered them to violate basic conditions which every soldier respects — the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, the Geneva Convention. … Don’t go around with this attitude of you’re protecting the integrity of the military. You degraded the integrity of the United States military.

One can only imagine the professional and personal SHAME Haynes should feel if he were a real person.

Wow. Just, Wow.

"Democrats are not going to be lectured to on security by the mayor who failed to learn the lessons of the 1993 attacks, refused to prepare his own city’s first responders for the next attack, urged President Bush to put his corrupt crony in charge of our homeland security, and was too busy lobbying for his foreign clients to join the Iraq Study Group,” DNC spokeswoman Karen Finney said. “Rudy Giuliani, can echo the McCain campaign’s false and misleading attacks, but he can’t change the fact that John McCain is promising four more years of President Bush’s flawed and failed policies on everything from energy security and the economy to the war in Iraq."

This whole Democrat With A Spine thing is confusing...