Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chimpy at 23%

We bet he will have the lowest ratings ever...until he bombs Iran, when he's rating will bumb.
The survey found public approval of President Bush's job performance at a new low for the Times/Bloomberg Poll: only 23% approved of the job Bush is doing, and 73% disapproved.

God, who are thse 23% lowlifes? What sort of horrid human beings are they?

Thailand is on the verge of another coup because of that Samak asshole, and still they have the time to demand justice from ChimpCo.

Goddam, good for them! Say hello to YellowCakeWalk

Who is the right wing base if not the nationaly disgraced Lush Limbaugh?

On the June 23 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh was asked by a caller: "I want to know how the Republicans don't need Christians and conservatives, and they think we're 30 percent. Twelve percent black people in the population. Ten percent -- they claim -- homosexuals in the population. Rush, honey, when did 30 percent get to be a small number?" Limbaugh responded, "Let me see if I can get your question right. You want to know why the Republicans are willing to say, 'Screw you,' to 30 percent or more of their voters and yet Democrats will bend over, grab the ankles, and say, 'Have your way with me,' for 10 percent and 2 percent of the population?" He later stated: "There is an answer to your -- basic question is, 'Why don't the Democrats say, "To hell with you, you wacko nuts in the base," like Republicans do?' "

The state of Florida has agreed to buy nearly 200,000 acres of land from a major sugar producer in a $1.7 billion deal to help restore the Everglades

US Sugar should have had the land taken from them, fined and sent to jail for abusing half of Florida for over 75 years.

labor activists have accused it of mistreating its workers and environmental activists constantly blame the firm for ravaging the Everglades.

Big Sugar did block the flow and suck the water out of the Everglades, converting its saw grass marshes into cattail clumps and inspiring one of the most contentious pollution lawsuits in U.S. history.

The state of Florida has agreed to buy nearly 200,000 acres of land from a major sugar producer in a $1.7 billion deal to help restore the Everglades

Florida should have emanent domained the fucking land

The O'Reilly Factor in a minute (the funniest thing we've seen)

Dodd And Feingold Will Filibuster Telecom Immunity

Let's hope to God they do it, and force the TELECO's to expose Bush's CRIMES.

McCain's flip-flops matter less than Obama's because McCain was a POW.

Oh, Jesus fucking Christ, fuck off Richard Fucking Cohen. You fucking penis.

Obama might have a similar bottom line, core principles for which, in some sense, he is willing to die. If so, we don't know what they are. Nothing so far in his life approaches McCain's decision to refuse repatriation as a POW so as to deny his jailors a propaganda coup. In fact, there is scant evidence the Illinois senator takes positions that challenge his base or otherwise threaten him politically. That's why his reversal on campaign financing and his transparently false justification of it matter more than similar acts by McCain.

How John McCain is breaking the public financing law RIGHT NOW.

in the fall of 2007, mccain opted into the public financing system for the gop primaries, which meant he'd later receive just over $5 million in public funds in exchange for agreeing to a fundraising limit of around $54 million for the entire primary process, which ends when he accepts the nomination at the republican national convention in september.

by late november, his campaign was practically broke, so mccain took out a pair of $1 million loans, using the public funds he would receive as collateral.

cut to super tuesday, when mccain had the republican nomination all but wrapped up. suddenly, he didn't want to be bound by that $54 million limit, so his campaign did a 180 and opted back out of the public financing system.

but as david mason, the republican-appointed chair of the fec, has pointed out, you can't just unilaterally opt out -- especially after securing a loan based on having opted in. the response of the mccain campaign is quite simply to ignore mason. and because the fec currently lacks a quorum (thanks to stalling tactics by that human roadblock to reform, mitch mcconnell) that's where things stand, pending a ruling on a lawsuit filed by the dnc.

Clarke: Charlie Black Basically Said To Terrorists, ‘Yes You Can Manipulate Our Politics, Come And Do It’

Richard Clarke criticized Black for basically encouraging terrorists such as Osama bin Laden to manipulate American politics:

CLARKE: Well, Charlie Black knows a lot about politics but he doesn’t know much about terrorism. If he did, he would know that Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and all the al Qaeda leadership, watch U.S. politics very closely. We’ve even had cases where in interviews, bin Laden quoted opinion polls from European public opinion polls.

So, yes, they understand that they can manipulate politics as they tried to in the Spanish election with the attacks there. And to say, “Yes, you can manipulate our politics, come and do it,” is an invitation that the McCain campaign shouldn’t be anywhere near.

In other words, Democrats achieved a "significant victory" because -- by giving Republicans everything they demanded

Republicans are no longer able to criticize Democrats on this issue. What a shrewd strategy: "if we comply with all their demands, then they can't criticize us for anything." That's the Democratic Party's plan for winning, according to Hoyer.

capitulating to conservatism

All is lost.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

George Carlin is Dead. Did you catch him at the PLAYBOY CLUB last weekend??

Steve Martin once told me a joke: I'm depressed. I found out this death thing applies to everyone..

George came from a time when it was OK to speak unabashedly about creepy punks - and make fun of them with out being afrain. In fact it was very cool in a Lenny Bruce sort of way. In ChimpCo's america it's all a bit different. Let's just say George's Free Speech Zone was a little bigger than yours.

chimpy's legacy.

Two Minutes A Week

America is losing it's soul. Republicans won't notice until it's too late, if at all. Because they are the cause.

We are responsible for the present state of Iraq, and we ought to care what happens there. Besides, we have men and women risking their lives in Iraq. We owe both Iraqis and our troops more than 181 weekday minutes, for all three networks. That's about two minutes of Iraq coverage, per network, per week. And that's far too little.