Saturday, September 07, 2013

30,000 to 50,000 North Korean citizens 'disappeared' from Camp 22

The camp may have closed sometime in 2012 after a series of bad harvests created a food shortage that caused a "large number of prisoners" to perish, the report says, citing a Radio Free Asia article written by a North Korean reporter who defected from the country.
Camp 22 sounds a lot like a US red state.

Ding bat conservative religious bigot Michele Bachmann is being investigated by the US Department of Justice, the House Ethics Committee, the FBI and the Iowa State Elections Committee

Plus, she is still married to a closeted homosexual.

republican red states have more STD's, teen pregnancy, abortions and death than educated, intelligent, compassionate Blue States

Idiot conservative republicans increase misery of their states.

AIPAC is “an Apartheid Israel lobby” rather than “a Jewish lobby.”

AIPAC doesn’t represent the views of most American Jews, who are substantially to its left on politics. In polling, between a quarter and over a third of American Jews say that they don’t feel a strong connection to Israel or that supporting it isn’t an important part of their Jewishness, and the percentage is probably much higher in the younger generation.

Friday, September 06, 2013

republican ding bat Dana Perino Is 'Tired Of Atheists'; Fox News Host Says 'They Don't Have To Live Here'

You know what bitch? You don't either. By the way, do you now have any idea what the bay of pigs was all about? That's right. This fucking cunt who doesn't seem to know that the separation of church and state is in the constitution doesn't know shit about American history.

It didn't matter to the NSA that Congress prohibited them from putting in back doors to all encryption, the NSA said 'fuck you' and did it anyway

Even with the cat out of the bag, the NSA will never stop trying to spy on all Americans. The NSA will never be held accountable. Fuck you, libtard.

republican hate grifter Pat Robertson used money, intended for refugees in Africa, for his own diamond-mining venture.

It's a good thing USMC Lt Robertson cowardly avoided war in Korea. Otherwise he might not have survived to see the day when he fraudulently used his hate grifting operation to support his blood diamond mine.
Following the Rwandan genocide, Robertson encouraged viewers of the Christian Broadcasting Network's "The 700 Club" to donate money to Operation Blessing. He said the organization would be helping the many refugees who'd made their way into Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo).
But pilots who worked for the organization have claimed that instead of transporting aid, cargo planes were often used to haul equipment for Robertson-backed diamond mining that was going on hundreds of miles away.
Jesus christ! The Coward Pat Robertson is a scum sucking piece of shit!
Robertson has been embroiled in mining controversies elsewhere in Africa. He supported the then president of Liberia, Charles Taylor, during that country's civil war without revealing at the time that he had an $8m investment in a Liberian gold mine. Taylor was already indicted by a UN war crimes tribunal at the time and was later convicted of crimes against humanity.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Christian hate monger Kevin Swanson calls for gay couples to be put to death. On their wedding day.

Oh, but christ is Kevin Swanson a disgusting piece of shit. If there was a god, this demented fuck would be living a life of pain...wait a minute....

Is there anything more christian than republican hate grifters?

Meet republican asshole, therapist and school counselor Thomas Kersting

He doesn't mind if children starve. Because fuck you, libtard. Kersting probably rapes children to teach them a lesson about dressing slutty.

Jonathan Turley bravely supports free speech of Michgan professor

Jonathan Turley does not believe William Penn should be terminated due to the fact that Mr Turley has evaluated Professor Penn's work and has determined that Professor Penn had contributed "impressive contributions to his field". Thank god Mr Turley has found criteria to evaluate and support free expression of thought in an academic setting.

War pig, war criminal Donald Rumsfeld has 'so called' opions on things

When you've tortured and killed as many people on this earth as Donald Rumsfeld, you've really earned your special place in hell. It's in between Dick Cheney and Chimpy aWol Bush. Donald has tortured and killed Americans, Vietnamese, Iraqi, Pakistani, Palestinians....the list is virtually all of the worlds citizens. So it is with great disrespect that the world should say, death is too good for you Donald Rumsfeld. May your days upon the earth be long and filled with contempt, shame and public ridicule. Your despicable life will long serve as a memory of republican failure and dishonor.

“Cryptanalysis always gets better. It never gets worse.”

One last blue-sky possibility: a quantum computer. Quantum computers are still toys in the academic world, but have the theoretical ability to quickly break common public-key algorithms — regardless of key length — and to effectively halve the key length of any symmetric algorithm. I think it extraordinarily unlikely that the NSA has built a quantum computer capable of performing the magnitude of calculation necessary to do this, but it’s possible.