Thursday, October 10, 2013

Romans invented Jesus Christ

Why? To get Jews to pay their taxes.
First-century Roman aristocrats fabricated the entire story of Jesus Christ. American Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill asserts that Christianity did not really begin as a religion, but a sophisticated government project, a kind of propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of the Roman Empire. "Jewish sects in Palestine at the time, who were waiting for a prophesied warrior Messiah, were a constant source of violent insurrection during the first century," he explains. "When the Romans had exhausted conventional means of quashing rebellion, they switched to psychological warfare. They surmised that the way to stop the spread of zealous Jewish missionary activity was to create a competing belief system. That's when the 'peaceful' Messiah story was invented. Instead of inspiring warfare, this Messiah urged turn-the-other-cheek pacifism and encouraged Jews to 'give onto Caesar' and pay their taxes to Rome." 
Was Jesus based on a real person from history? "The short answer is no," Atwill insists, "in fact he may be the only fictional character in literature whose entire life story can be traced to other sources. Once those sources are all laid bare, there's simply nothing left."

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

“for almost 70 years the U.S. has been the world leader in spreading destruction and misery across the planet.”

Despite Obama's noble words, America has imposed vicious dictatorships and supported horrendous crime

The US hasn't won a war since WW2.  The Korean war didn't end well. Vietnam was a big wet sloppy blowjob. (Speaking of blow jobs, the 'War on Drugs" continues to be an un-godly abortion fought mercenaries. What a failure that is.) Grenada was a photo Op. Somalia was a disaster. Afghanistan didn't attack us, Saudi Arabia did. Iraq was a strategic failure of epic proportions. That's just the big US Military stuff. The CIA and the State Department fucked with and killed millions of people, usually supporting right wing dictators and subverting democracy. Anywho, let us continue.

There was:
El Salvador
Dominica Republic
and Syria

They clearly hate us for our freedom. Who did I forget?

Dumb things republicans are doing that need public ridicule and condemnation

1) Faux Spews talking head Anna Kooiman says Obama has offered to pay for the museum of Muslim culture out of his own pocket. Anna tweeted:
Just met w producers- I made a mistake yday after receiving flawed research abt a museum possibly closing. My apologies. Won't happen again.
Of course it will happen again. That's what Faux's business model is based on. Anna Kooiman is a foolish woman.

2) Mrs. Marcus "Big Gay Mess" Bachmann, dingbat Michele says Obama 'Funding' Terrorists Is Proof That We're Living In The End Times. Right. You thought it was about the Biblical End Of Times? No, dingbat Michele Bachmann is going to jail. Marcus can finally have some privacy and some sexual satisfaction.

3) Aging Faux bimbo Megyn Kelly asked the most Hated Man In America is he realizes that his presidential campaign has been doomed by his endless mendacity and generally for being an asshole nobody likes. It's safe to say Canadian Raffy Cruz is not very self aware.

4) Supreme Asshole Antonin Scalia is much dumber and so much more superstitious than we thought. And he is very concerned with "Pigs Running Off Clifs". And flogging. Scalia wants to inflict pain and receive it. He just needs to get his rocks of with a S&M Dominatrix and the world would be a better place.

5) Republican asshole Ken Cuccinelli is free to get fucked in his.

6) North Korea is the equivalent of the republican party in America. Batshit crazy and really fucking stupid. Today, NK's leader, Kim Jong Un who (and this is true) massacred his ex-girl friend by machine gun, went bug shit crazy when the fat slob look up and saw a B-52 overhead. Republicans and North Koreans are an Axis of Duffus.

7) Lastly, a perfect example of conservatives living in the Epistemic Closure Bubble. Nothing gets in.
On the October 7 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly claimed "millions of Americans will see their health insurance costs, their deductibles, their copays go up because of Obamacare. So here is the question: Is it morally right to hurt some Americans to help other Americans?" After Fox contributor Juan Williams pointed out that most Americans "will see no change," O'Reilly responded, "I don't believe that for a second, I think that's propaganda." O'Reilly then said, "That's what some pinhead says, that's not a fact."
Well quelle surprise, cuckhold Bill "Mackris" O'Reilly is proved wrong by adults who believe in science, evolution, gravity and global warming. Tide goes in, Tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. Sweet FSM Bill O'Luffah is a fucking ignorant conservative asshole.

All the fascist conservatives can do at this point is harm the nation—and their own political prospects.

Go ahead, teabag. Default. You will never win a national election again. For decades.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Upcoming Kitchen Nightmares Special on Amy's Baking Company Will Focus on Restaurant's Effect on Community

Maybe some of the misfits from MasterChef can get a job at Amy's Not Baking Company.

NSA, Stormbrew, Fairview, Oakstar, Blarney, XKeyScore, FoxAcid, Quantum, QuantumCookie, Turbulence, Turmoil, Tumult, FrugalShot, DireScallop and EgotisticalGiraffe

For what political purpose is Deep State NSA stealing this data? Who decides which federal prosecutor is allowed what data? What's the priority? Pot smokers? Tax cheats? Ex-lovers? Banksters? Senators? Presidents? Supreme Court Justices? Or obnoxious people with opinions? Why doesn't parallel construction bother anyone? Does the teabag wing of the republican party mean there will never be meaningful oversight ever again? Does 'freedom' ever run afoul with security to conservatives? The 'don't tread on me' party is ok with the police state? Gun nuts are ok with this?

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Meet republican asshole Peter Bataillon, Nebraska judge

Nebraska Court Says Teen Must Obey Religious Beliefs Of Foster Parents And Not Have An Abortion
Bataillon rejected the girl's request, saying that for the purpose of her case, her foster parents would serve as her guardians — even though, under Nebraska law, the department is considered the guardian of wards.
Court records found online make reference to a Peter Bataillon who served in the 1980s on a committee for Metro Right to Life, an Omaha anti-abortion group.

I still hate Fascists even after they changed their name to conservatives

Canandian Cruz
2 Chicken lips
2 Waddles
1 Batshit crazy asshole

Poor Ted Cruz: first a Republican “lynch mob” is after him, and then Democrats hurt his feelings.

If you are a lying sack of republican shit, trying to deny millions of Americans access to a fucking Doctor, you get a big "Fuck You", not an appology for pointing out that you're a murdering asshole. In fact, why isn't Canadian Raffy Cruz being indicted for manslaughter?

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Teabag republican Randy Neugebauer confronts a Park Ranger at the WW2 memorial

This asshole blames her for the park shutdown. The balls on this prick.
"How do you look at them and... deny them access?" said Neugebauer. He, with most House Republicans, had voted early Sunday morning to pass a funding measure that would delay the Affordable Care Act, a vote that set up a showdown with the Senate and President Barack Obama. With the parties unable to agree on how to fund the federal government, non-essential government functions shut down Tuesday. "It's difficult," responded the Park Service employee. "Well, it should be difficult," replied the congressman, who was carrying a small American flag in his breast pocket. "It is difficult," responded the Park Service employee. "I'm sorry, sir." "The Park Service should be ashamed of themselves," the congressman said. "I'm not ashamed," replied the ranger.

The NSA has endangered us all by sabotaging security

We, the American People, are the enemy. The US government is not here to help you. The security state exists to exploit and control you.