Friday, December 06, 2013

House nigger and republican gadfly colin powell says American needs socailized medicine

House nigger, Oreo Steele same thing.

Penis nose ted cruz is a rino. He said something nice about Nelson Mandela

Conservatives are insanely hateful racist, mean spirited bigots. Mandela helped bring down Apartheid and republicans are giving sympathy for the devil de Klerk

Fat racist white cop Sheriff Rick Clark from Pickens County South Carolina refuses Commander In Chief's order to lower flags to half mast for Nelson Mandela

 Racist Rick Clark told that he is ordering the flag be raised on Sunday because the honor of lowering flags to half-staff should be reserved for Americans
But its not, Rick is just a piece of shit southern white trash who is ignoring Obama because he's a fucking racist,  ignorant of national flag protocol. He can dress it up as freedom and liberty but he is just being a disrespectful dick

If Dick Cheney, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Israel all agree on something, you've found the wrong side of history

Nelson Mandela. Israel offered a nuke to Apartheid South Africa. Thatcher called him a terrorist. War Criminal Cheney voted to keep him him jail and Drooling Dementia Racist Ronald Reagan was bitterly opposed to divestment, causing the first override of a Presidential veto in the 20th century.

Congratulations conservatives, you fucked up again.

Deep State NSA and government blackmail

But I suspect that many people instinctively understand that what this adds up to is the fact that the government is storing reams of information about everyone just in case they might need to make a "case" against them someday. We know for a fact that one of the government's most annoying problems of late is that there are people they just "know" are dangerous, but they've tainted the evidence with torture or some such or otherwise can't prove it. So they're having to do some unpleasant things like indefinitely imprison them without trial and assassinate them in foreign countries. It's a real PR mess. But if they can amass a huge data base filled with "evidence" against everyone, it should be easy peasy for them to simply throw something together to create the illusion of a crime when they run into these little legal roadblocks to keeping us safe from the boogeymen --- whoever they might be. (After all, terrorists aren't the only people governments find dangerous are they?)
The one thing we be sure of is that the government, much like Santa Claus, always knows who's really guilty and since the authorities are never corrupt we can feel very comfortable allowing them to have easy access to information that will allow them to create a criminal case whenever they believe they need to take a "dangerous" person out. This is just making government more efficient and relieving them of the expensive burden of having to make cases on the merits. What could be wrong with that?
Also too, since this "criminal case" business only applies to Americans the millions of people they're tracking around the world should probably hope they don't find themselves inadvertently crossing paths with someone the NSA considers dangerous. It could get sticky.

Is this domestic spying legal? No. Is it moral or even effective? No. Will it be stopped? Not on your life. The teabag wing of the conservative party is insane right now and couldn't find its collective asshole with a funnel. They don't give a fuck about anything right now except screwing over non-white people, poors and gays.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

no more premiums, deductibles or copay’s

The program will be fully operational by 2017, and will be funded through Medicare, Medicaid, federal money for the ACA given to Vermont, and a slight increase in taxes. In exchange, there will be no more premiums, deductibles, copay’s, hospital bills or anything else aimed at making insurance companies a profit. Further, all hospitals and healthcare providers will now be nonprofit.

Jim DeBerry is a quasi-literate racist asshole

If you want to be a quasi-literate racist asshole, go right ahead. It's a free country. There are lots of quasi-literate racist assholes around and it's unlikely you will distinguish yourself. I trust the marketplace of ideas to assign appropriate social consequences to you and your business. I may or may not help distribute those social consequences depending on the degree to which you irritate me.

But when you start threatening to sue people for pointing out that you're a racist asshole, I feel that you are going out of your way to antagonize me. I feel that it's time to put on my cockroach-stomping boots.

Secret Service fails to contact Obama assasin Everest Wilhelmsen, even after threatening congressional lawmakers

Everest Wilhelmsen, leader of the Christian American Patriots Militia recently called for the assassination of President Obama because he feels that half of the one Amendment Conservatives understand (the Second) grants him the right to assassinate the legally elected leader of our nation.
Everest has been gearing up his pack of pea-brained pinheads for the battle in “defense” (yes, he thinks they are defending themselves) of our Constitutional liberties. Pursuant to his final warning, he plans to move in on Congressmen who have not “redeemed” themselves.
The Secret Service has, in the past, stated that they are aware of his prior threats, but do not seem to be taking him seriously. This man has threatened the lives of many of our lawmakers (though it seems House Republicans are likely safe from his wrath), including the President and Vice President.

Monday, December 02, 2013

A small list of Grifters who freely ignore the Federal "Do Not Call list"

Block them, ignore them or just don't answer. These cucaracha's have been ignored by the FCC but need to be squashed by a pointy toed boot. Fuck these pricks. Log their calls. Sue them. Fuck them.
(800) 295-0851 (757) 209-2017 (610) 200-8803 (401) 415-5192 (916) 252-0460 (512) 532-8633 (512) 498-1028 (512) 623-6795 (512) 906-3892 (727) 804-8063 (408) 351-6906 (864) 642-3165 (734) 619-1237 (661) 748-0240 (614) 403-6622 (607) 723-1168 (614) 468-9024 (575) 652-8450 (585) 335-4717 (626) 574-9231 (458) 201-0461 (315) 635-9781 (216) 452-2237 (626) 445-9137 (607) 722-9665 (253) 638-27xx (216) 452-2238 (971) 208-9936 (401) 488-5407 (612) 567-8948 (216) 462-2348 (706) 229-8669 (484) 891-5567 (440) 922-5200 (404) 273-9595