Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

Private citizens and buisness don't have to respect your opions or give you a platform. Freedom of speech and the first amendment only prevent the government from limiting your rights.

If you are a mean spirited racist republican bigot, the world will shit on you.

Any female of any age can purchase the Plan B One-Step without a prescription, over the counter

The FDA has approved the morning after pill for women of any age as an over-the-counter medication and with no point-of-sale restrictions. Over-the-counter (OTC) means that no prescription is required.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Feeding off the claim that conservatives are “oppressed” any time they aren’t elevated as superior to the rest of America is their bread and butter.

Look, I get why the usual suspects are whining and moaning that conservative assholes are entitled to have a TV show on A&E to preserve their “free speech”, without bothering to explain when the rest of us get our A&E shows because we also have free speech rights. Feeding off the claim that conservatives are “oppressed” any time they aren’t elevated as superior to the rest of America is their bread and butter. But man, it’s particularly stupid right now.
Ding bat Sarah Palin thinks Phil Robertson's free speech is endangered. That hate grifter has no earthly idea what free speech actually means. Sarah Palin seems to think she can say any stupid insane racist thing without suffering rebuke. Fuck you, Sarah. That's not what free speech is all about.

Forbes columnist John Tamny is one sick fuck of a republican and a horrible excuse for human being

John Tamny is gnorant, cruel and the definition of a true compassionate conservative.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Out of control mercenery Erik Prince is an criminal republican asshole

Out of control mercenery murdered civilians?

Obama is facing a “cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.”

Today’s Republican Party is a neo-Confederate pro-corporation movement, thanks to the supposed life-long Democrat (when he wasn’t endorsing Mitt Romney)—the Reverend Billy Graham.

That prick will finally be dead soon.
A childhood friend of Richard Nixon's it was Graham who helped the disgraced president articulate the “Southern Strategy,” which won Nixon the White House in 1968.

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. Mark Twain

Belgium's King Leopold II was truly an evil man who enriched himself by murdering some 10 to 15 million people.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A federal appeals court ruled on Monday that South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) could be sued for violating the civil rights of Occupy Columbia protesters who were removed from the Statehouse grounds and arrested in 2011.

In the Monday ruling, the court found that Haley had violated the civil rights of the protesters because there was no regulation in place preventing camping on the Statehouse grounds.

WingNutDaily’s Mychal Massie has declared that racism is over and African Americans who work against inequality and discrimination should simply leave the country because such injustices do not exist.

Or, Mychal Massie, America could just kick your racist, bigoted ass out or conversly you could grow the fuck up and stop say stupid racist shit outloud. Sheesh. You're like a nine year old with Tourette's.

The Government does not cite a single instance in which analysis of the NSA's bulk metadata collection actually stopped an imminent attack, or otherwise aided the Government in achieving any objective that was time-sensitive in nature.

So why do it? Blackmail, general fun and corporate profits.

Boycott Israel

There is a major development in the movement among universities and colleges to boycott Israeli universities over objections to its treatment of the Palestinians. The influential American Studies Association on Monday endorsed the boycott with mover 3000 of its members voting and 66 percent supporting the action as a response what they view as a pattern of human rights violations by Israel. It is a major victory for academics pushing for cutting off ties to Israeli educations institutions.
What does Israeli propaganda DEBKAFile say? They are worried the Boycott is catching on and they are pretending there is a backlash. No, we're not linking.
The Academic Studies Association voted Sunday by a 66 percent majority to boycott Israeli academic and cultural institutions over their “treatment of Palestinians,” drawing a strong backlash.

Monday, December 16, 2013