Monday, February 10, 2014

Fake Peace Process, Real War Process

Stop giving Apartheid Israel free US money, weapons and intel to ethnicly cleanse Palestine. Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel. It's the American thing to do.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Dear SEppy Cupp, Obama won. Millions voted for him over Willard Mittens R-Money. He's not going away, nor should he.

Millions voted for Obama versus the thousands that voted for teabag conservatives in the House. But you said Obama should just go away and let conservative asshole republicans legislate. I got news for you. Teabag nation isn't going to vote for immigration reform. Besides in a democracy, why should millions of American voters allow a handful of teabag conservatives governing privileges without consent of the majority?

Your argument seems to be "Waa!! Waaaa! Snivle! (blows snot bubbles) Sob!!"

We are never watching Crossfire, you insipid withered hag. Fuck you, cunt.

P.S. Hey Bill Maher? No one gives a fuck about irrelevant republican assholes like  P. J. O'Rourke, SEppy Cupp, Michael Steele, Jack Kingston,  Naill Ferguson and the rest of the morally bankrupt retards in the republican cult.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

The federal deficit has shrunk every year since Barack took office

The federal deficit reached its peak—in dollar amount and as a share of the national economy—in 2009, which happens to be the year that Obama took office and has been shrinking ever since.

Friday, February 07, 2014

America's Top Military Brass Is Filled With Mediocre Idiots

Most institutions have a propensity to promote mediocrities, those whose primary strengths are knowing where power lies, being subservient and obsequious to the centers of power and never letting morality get in the way of one’s career. The military is the worst in this respect. In the military, whether at the Paris Island boot camp or West Point, you are trained not to think but to obey. What amazes me about the military is how stupid and bovine its senior officers are. Those with brains and the willingness to use them seem to be pushed out long before they can rise to the senior-officer ranks. The many Army generals I met over the years not only lacked the most rudimentary creativity and independence of thought but nearly always saw the press, as well as an informed public, as impinging on their love of order, regimentation, unwavering obedience to authority and single-minded use of force to solve complex problems.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Ken Ham is a pathetic, mentally ill man. He sleeps under the blanket of science while trying to make the world a dumber place

You know this sick fuck votes conservative.

By the way Ken, evolution, you breath taking dim-witted mother fucker, does not address how the world was formed, the second law of thermodynamics or entropy.

Ken Ham needs to listen to 3000 year old superstitious goat herders because his small, delicate psyche needs to.

Yes, energy, the periodic table and 4 billion years produce life you fucking idiot.

Ken Ham has spent a life time being a public dunce.

Laura Tellez-Gagliano, Ed.D kicks three siblings out of 'her' school for petty, retalitory reasons

Says it's perfectly appropriate.

Monday, February 03, 2014

"Evidence Laundering", "Parallel Construction" and the "Taint Review Team"

It's "a nice little plan to allow the NSA to illegally spy on people, tell law enforcement just enough to target people, without ever revealing how they were caught via unconstitutional means."
I'm sure "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." sounds better to the DEA than "the road to hell is paved in flagrant violations of the natural and constitutional rights of those whom you are chartered to protect."

Meet republican asshole John Dodrill. This pervert likes to assault underage Girl Scouts with his deadly weapon

A California man was taken into custody over the weekend after he allegedly pulled a gun on a young Girl Scout who was selling cookies.
This old, white deranged asshole wanted to stand his ground against a little girl.

republican Pat Robertson Insists That He's Not 'Some Sort Of Right-Wing Extremist'

republican Dick Nixon says he's not a crook. republican Christine O'Donnell says she's not a witch. Is someone writing these down?

republican Pat Robertson Insists That He's Not 'Some Sort Of Right-Wing Extremist'

republican Dick Nixon says he's not a crook. republican Christine O'Donnell says she's not a witch. Is someone writing these down?

republican Pat Robertson Insists That He's Not 'Some Sort Of Right-Wing Extremist'

republican Dick Nixon says he's not a crook. republican Christine O'Donnell says she's not a witch. Is someone writing these down?

republican Pat Robertson Insists That He's Not 'Some Sort Of Right-Wing Extremist'

republican Dick Nixon says he's not a crook. republican Christine O'Donnell says she's not a witch. Is someone writing these down?