Thursday, March 06, 2014

A leading vet has said the religious slaughter of animals should be banned, unless Muslims and Jews can voluntarily adopt more humane methods of killing.

Naturally, some muslim asshole complained for all the wrong reasons:
 British Muslim political and social commentator, Mo Ansar, took to Twitter to argue that, rather than being concerned with animal welfare, advocates of humane slaughter were motivated by "anti-theism and anti-Muslim prejudice." He said, "the attack on ritual slaughter is yet another being fueled by prejudice and ignorance." 
Religious bigotry extends to animal cruelty.

Old, white republican male, James Bowman, upset ’12 Years A Slave’ doesn’t show happy slaves

Jesus christ, what an asshole. A commentator wrote,
“We are wondering, was Bowman equally aggrieved by the lack of happy Jews in Schindler’s List?”
“I can’t wait to see Bowman’s defense of Darth Vader. Just kidding, Vader’s black.” 

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

US won’t be able to defend Israel if peace talks fail

Apartheid Israel can expect to face international isolation and possible sanctions from countries and companies across the world if Benjamin Netanyahu fails to endorse a framework agreement with the Palestinians, US President Barack Obama cautioned on Sunday.  
Expect AI to opt for stealing more Palestinian land at the expense of their security while becoming more isolated and damaged by sanctions. Boycott, Divest and Sanction.

Keystone Pipeline give energy independence to China, enriches Canada, pollutes America

republicans are happy for America to get screwed on the Keystone Pipeline deal.

Monday, March 03, 2014

the white male vote is controlled by nothing more than resentment, particularly resentment of women and people of color

Yea. Because old white republican guys are racist.
It’s not even a vote to restore lost levels of white male privilege, since I think white men must know that putting that genie back into the bottle isn’t going to work. At this point, then, voting Republican is just about punishment. You can’t stop a black guy from being your boss at work and your wife is never going to be Mrs. Cleaver, but you can make life a little harder for women and people of color in revenge for “stealing” the easy life of never having to compete with them that you feel entitled to.

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Ok, a couple of things...

First, someone knock the cock out of Rich Lowry's mouth. The mealy mouth fuck needs a richly deserved tune-up. Don't point to your book of scary superstitions in order to justify your morally repugnant religious bigotry. Fuck you, you fucking subhuman piece of garbage.

Second to Howard "plagiarist" Kurtz: Stephen Colbert is a fucking comic, you putz. Why in gods name are these fucking assholes drawing a paycheck and a fresh breath of air?

Third, Chris Wallace tells republican Darrell Issathat he is a fucking liar.

Fourth, religious bigot George Will is “not neighborly” and “not nice”.

Fith, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox ChickenHawks Jews really are proud cowards. These draft dodging cowards have no shame!  Maybe the US should stop giving Apartheid Israel free money weapons and intel. BDS. Boycott, Divest and Sanction.

Lastly, dual citizen zionist chicken hawk William Kristol is a fat, blustering loser that never met a war he didn't like. Fuck him.

Validate the slander

 “validate the slander that republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and would revert to massive discrimination were it not for heroic progressives standing guard.” -Pat Buchanan

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Fat, bald, old, white religious bigot, Bill Donohue , says marriage is “about family, it’s not about love,”

Christians didn't invent marriage, so they don't get to define it. It's sort of like saying "Satan is the ruler of hell," that's a misconception we can probably blame on John Milton. The bible doesn't say anything of the sort. The problem is, weak minded trolls like Bill Donohue use the bible to impose their religious bigotry onto the rest of the world. The bible, a work of fiction was written by the Romans to get Jews to pay their taxes.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Israel's "systematic oppression" of the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza appears to constitute the "inhuman" and "degrading" practice of "apartheid."

Sacrificing security for land brought Apartheid to Israel.
"Through prolonged occupation, with practices and policies which appear to constitute apartheid and segregation, ongoing expansion of settlements, and continual construction of the wall arguably amounting to de facto annexation of parts of the occupied Palestinian territory, the denial by Israel of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people is evident."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Teabag republican Chris Mapp has a Facebook breakdown worthy of Samy and Amy Bouzaglo from Amy's Baking Company

Teabag racist Chris Mapp could give lessons to Samy and Amy Bouzaglo  on how to be a tool on Facebook. Apparently, Chris Mapp hates to be known as a bigot. Mapp refuses to grasp the concept that "wetback" is offensive to...everyone not a bigot.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Remember when the colonists stood in line to register their muskets?

Sarah Palin and a host of teabag assholes have been running with this tonight.

The tiny little problem with this statement is that it's completely wrong. Of course the conservative dim-wits who copy and pasted this tripe didn't bother to Google it. Truth is the Colonist were ordered to register their muskets. There were federal inspections in private homes and mandatory muster. And who was the marxist, socialist, commie bastard who ordered this blasphemy? James Madison, 4th US President, author of the 2nd Amendment and Founding Father.
States kept track of who had guns, had the right to inspect them in private homes and could fine citizens for failing to report to a muster.
These laws also defined what type of guns you had to buy — a form of taxation levied on individual households. Yes, long before Obamacare, the state made you buy something, even if you did not want to purchase it.
Why, might you ask was the US Government regulating firearms? Because you people are fucking ignorant.
The founders had a word for a bunch of farmers marching with guns without government sanction: a mob. One of the reasons we have a Constitution is the founders were worried about the danger posed by individuals acting like a militia without legal authority.
The bottom line is simple: the Second Amendment requires more gun regulation, not less.  Which leads to the post below....

If you think education doesn't matter, you probably get your news from dropouts.jpg