Thursday, March 13, 2014

The US isn’t a Police State, but it is a Managed Democracy

Corporate control of the government, secretly controlled elections, a militarized police force and more prisoners than any other country on earth.  Got it.

Don't count on teabag republicans to make a difference. They like it this way. Until this apparatus turns on them. Which it is. Be afraid teabagers. Your time is over. Even Ann Coulter admits you are going to be "raped" soon.

If you are upset that Obama sat "Between Two Ferns", you are the problem with America! Fortunately, you will be extinct soon

O'Reilly's upset that Democrats can reach young non-cable viewers because it's dooming his network -- and his party.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Apartheid Israel robs American tax-payers of another $429,000,000.00

US transfers another $429m to support Israel’s Iron Dome

The new US-Israel accord ensures "ensures continued US funding for procurement of Iron Dome systems and interceptors, and provides for significant co-production opportunities for US industry," according to a US Missile Defense Agency press release Monday.

The $429 million was transferred immediately.

Conservative ideology sentences citizens to poor health and permanent poverty

And this is why republicans are evil: republicans actively hurt other Americans and citizens worldwide.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Aqua Buddha on his Ukraine Foreign Policy: ‘Drilling Every Possible, Conceivable Place’

Right. This moronic dolt wants the nuclear codes. Delusional idiot and CPAC straw poll winner Rand Paul discussed his Ukraine foreign policy if he was elected President: Let Russia annex Crimea, drill everywhere we can, and sell the oil to Europe!

America’s poorest regions are red states, run by white republicans, and filled with people who have the blues

1. Southern states have the most poor people.
2. Deep South states have no minimum wage.
3. Deep South has lowest economic mobility.
4. South has lowest per capita spending by state government.
5. Forget about decent preventative healthcare.          
6. One result: people self-medicate in response.
7. Forget the lottery, just pray to Jesus.
8. And hold onto that gun!
Conservative, republican policies always fail. Why can't tea-baggers admit failure? Why can't the invisible hand of the market grab them by the throat and choke them to death? Look at the absolute life long failures at CPAC this week. Do you want Sarah Palin teaching your kids? Do you want voter felon Ann Coulter in your life? Ted Cruz with nuclear bomb capabilities would be the end of the world as we know it.

"Is it political if I tell you that if we burn coal, you're going to warm the atmosphere?"

"Is it political if I tell you that if we burn coal, you're going to warm the atmosphere? Or is that a statement of fact that you've made political? It's a scientific statement. The fact that there are elements of society that have made it political, that's a whole other thing," Tyson says. "We're telling you what science tells us about the world and what you do with that information, that's what you do. But I worry that people are making decisions about the world under-informed about what science has to say about the world."

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Supreme Court officially bannes religious instruction in public schools!

In 1948 you sick teabag assholes!

Red state moocher Jenna Haggar says South Dakota is not a welfare state. She lied.

Hey republican welfare queens, the free hand of the markets called. It says your policies have failed you. Stop sucking at the government teet, get off your fat ass and get to work, you lazy losers!
South Dakota state representative Jenna Haggar gave a spectacularly awkward speech to CPAC yesterday, where she said that President Obama and his "big government progressive policies" are using "handouts and welfare" to make "generations of Americans dependent on the government." 
Haggar, who serves alongside her father in the State House​, said that unlike Americans today, the people who settled South Dakota and the Midwest never needed government aid (she may want to read about the Homestead Acts).

Friday, March 07, 2014

republican teabag General Jerry "My god is bigger than your god" Boykin is a fucking anti-semite! “The Jews are the problem,” Boykin can be heard saying. “The Jews are the cause of all the problems in the world.”

There is recorded audio of retired LtGen Jerry Boykin being racist. What kind of racists are the US Army promoting these days?

The Jews are the problem,” Boykin can be heard saying. “The Jews are the cause of all the problems in the world.” An unidentified person responds, “I know, I know, that’s why we’re trying to fix everything.”

Dumb shit white conservatives say

1. Laura Ingraham Still Pushing Myth That Undocumented Immigrants Get Obamacare.
No they don't bitch.

2. Michael Medved At CPAC: States Have Never Banned Gay Marriage, 'That's A Liberal Lie!'
 No, it's not dickhead.

3. Alaska state senator does not want state to pay for birth control because sex is "recreation" and the state shouldn't pay for "other people's recreation."
No, you ignorant fuck, it's not.

4. Billionaire Foster Friess: The Most Persecuted Man Of All? Rick Santorum.
Most ridiculed for the stupid shit he says, yea.

5. Paul Ryan's brown bag lunch story wasn't entirely untrue. Just the part that mattered.
He fucking lied.

6. Inhofe: Democrats Want To Eliminate The Military. 
Global warming and gravity are a hoax to this asshole, but Democrats want to get rid of the military. The sentate's biggest asshole and shittiest pilot (ext to Canadian Ted "dick nose" Cruz), James Inhofe.

7. "If this nation forgets our God," Huckabee warned, "then God will have every right to forget us." "There is no other way to explain our history."
Maybe to the dim-witted and superstitious, but to the educated, you are a schmuck, Dickabee.

8. ‘Sluts Are Just Whores In Training,’ And Other Wisdom Offered By A Sitting Arkansas Judge
Quoted by this sick ugly fuck stick, Judge Mike Maggio.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Shorter Rachel Maddow's "Why We Did it"

Oily republican men murdered hundreds of thousands and couldn't even steal the fucking oil properly.

Does teabag ex-General Jerry Boykin really believe that "Nothing Else Matters Besides Benghazi"

We he this stupid when he wore a uniform? There is no cover up of Benghazi. There is nothing there. Why are conservatives harping on nothing? Politically, it doing republicans more harm than good, so, you know, keep it up guys. On the other hand, what is wrong with these people?

Michael Clear AKA Satoshi Nakamoto is the BitCoin creator

We told you about him in 2011.

A leading vet has said the religious slaughter of animals should be banned, unless Muslims and Jews can voluntarily adopt more humane methods of killing.

Naturally, some muslim asshole complained for all the wrong reasons:
 British Muslim political and social commentator, Mo Ansar, took to Twitter to argue that, rather than being concerned with animal welfare, advocates of humane slaughter were motivated by "anti-theism and anti-Muslim prejudice." He said, "the attack on ritual slaughter is yet another being fueled by prejudice and ignorance." 
Religious bigotry extends to animal cruelty.