Friday, January 16, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Twitter hammers Rupert Murdoch over ‘conservative cancer’ remark

News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch took to Twitter Friday night to chastise Muslims for failing to weed out the “conservative cancer” in their midst, drawing intense criticism on the social media platform.

Murdoch wrote, “Maybe most republicans peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing conservative cancer they must be held responsible,” laying the blame for the actions of a few militant teabags on the approximately 7.5 million followers of the religious cult.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

There is no difference between ISIS and Israel. Both are stealing land and murdering Muslims.

Except one has lots of nuclear weapons.

"There is no difference between the terrorism practiced by the group led by [leader of ISIS] Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Israel's terrorism," Erekat said during a speech at a festival celebrating the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday in Jericho, Monday.
"Ending settlement activities is a prerequisite for eliminating terrorism," Erekat added.
Erekat also slammed Israel's decision to withhold Palestinian tax revenues, confirming that Israeli threats would not deter the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian people from holding firm to their inalienable rights including the establishment of an independent state whose capital is Jerusalem.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

“We all like low taxes … but we have to ensure the stability of a revenue stream to provide basic services that our citizens expect.”

And who was the communist that expects government to function? That government has a function? Why, none other than Indiana Senate Majority Leader and tax committee chairman Brandt Hershman.

A republican.

To what, you may ask was he referring to? The failed republican policies of republican asshole Sam Brownback of Kansas.

Geniuses all!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Boy children were raped at Abu Ghraib, on tape, in front of their mothers.

Your tax dollars at work! Say, can someone ask republican war criminal Dick Cheney what intelligence was gleaned from that bit of enhance interrogation technique torture?

Shorter James Fallows: You can count on today's military leaders to selfishly fail the nation and don't expect them to self-improve or fix the problem.

The military’s career structure “corrupts those who serve it; it is the system that forces out the best and rewards only the sycophants.”
Everyone is a Hero these days, especially Flag Officers but not you losers who suffer and die in uniform.  Leadership Failure in the military exists because the cowards are incapable of holding themselves accountable.

Every one of you flag grade cocksuckers are to blame. You have not won a war since WW2. You have only one job.

It's your only fucking job and you've demonstrated time and again that you are not capable of doing it. Why the fuck do we pay you?

Friday, December 26, 2014

Paul Krugman Op-Ed: republicans Were Wrong About EVERYTHING In 2014

From Sam Brownback to Bill Kristol to Michelle Backmann, Louis 'Asparagus' Gomhert, the racist republican bigots in the US House & Senate or to the bigoted 'party first' paranoid fascist republicans in the DoD, NSA, FBI, the tortures everywhere, murdering cops...why, everything wrong with America begins and ends with an asshole republican. Mazel Tov everyone! Happy New Year!

The next time you drink clean water, breath clean air or get yourself fixed after you second amendment yourself thanks to ObamaCare, or cash a paycheck due to a booming economy, thank a liberal, you republican asshole!

Failed republicans and failed republican policy. And you wankers want to elect Jeb! in 2016? Fools.