Sunday, January 30, 2022
Friday, January 21, 2022
Saturday, December 11, 2021
In any other society Ted Cruz would of been beaten to death for the good of the community
Same with Sean Hannity, Kyle Rittenhouse, Gym Gordon, Mark Meadows, Rupert Murdoch and Crazy Orange Diaper.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Monday, November 15, 2021
What Apartheid means for Israel
A growing consensus has formed around the term—not as a rhetorical comparison to South Africa, but describing a system of domination built on the partition of Palestine.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
I don't want civil war in the US
And I don't mean I'll be grudgingly pulled into one. Choose Voting, not Violence. But one political party has moved away from running likable, popular candidates and candidly talking policy effectiveness. Increasingly, republican vote theft and election fraud (like gerrymandering, unverifiable ES&S electronic voting machines and suppression) has forced many conservatives into intimidation and domestic violence to secure elections. And not 'forced' as much as finally living some sort of revenge fantasy against everyone they disagree with. For short hand, let's call them, 'Liberals'.
Dumpf's deplorables are a violent mob. The misguided cowards on 1/6 played dress up and DC's stringent gun laws averted a massacre. What about next time? A fascist police department, a wink and a nod and there will be a bloodbath. Mean spirited and more than a little bigoted, republicans love to hate. Love to pretend they're Patriots. They are not.
In 2022, republican state led legislators will certainly never seat a Democratic politician ever again. A republican US House will never certify a Democratic President, ever again. So with all humility, let's welcome Crazy Fat Diaper back to the Oval in 2024. Welcome to Tyranny Of The Minority.
America is currently ruled by a permanent republican minority. The Supreme Court is merely a forum for republican grievances. Mitch McConnell only passes legislation popular with republicans. Next year will be the last Democratic congress, ever. Once republicans control all three branches of governmental control they will no longer have to pretend to have fair elections and I don't see any way to avoid it.
America doesn't have fair elections, so you don't get responsive government. It was a nice dream but honestly time to stop pretending; democracy has been lost for some time now.
Republicans hate government, so look forward to government not working. Plan on more monopoly corporate power, more state power, forever wars and you, personally getting screwed, no mater your party affiliation.
School shootings will never be addressed, neither will climate change or green energy. We'll fish the oceans dry, make the air unbreathable and the land arid. We'll stuff any remaining wildlife with microplastics and lastly, millions and millions will starve to death from either lack of nutrition or from the radioactive fallout.
Maggie Habberman will return to her stenography. Ted Cruz will be somehow even more unbearable, just shitpost after shitpost. Trump's crazy cockroaches will eventually turn on each other but by then it will be far too late.
It's time to make peace and let the cockroaches fight it out.
Sunday, October 03, 2021
"republican Vote Theft has stolen your future, Today!"
Hate Fox News?
Wish America had background checks for guns?
Want insulin? Want an Epi Pen?
Want healthcare? Child care?
Like a living wage? Like accountable cops? Want to get rid of Asset Forfeiture? Hate Facebook? Hate Google stealing every fucking thing in your life?
Do you hate losing every war and skirmish since WW 2?
Everything in life that you want has been stolen from you by republicans. They are to blame. They deserve you fierce anger.
Thursday, September 09, 2021
Thursday, September 02, 2021
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Monday, August 09, 2021
There’s actually lots of evidence of Dumpf-Russia collusion
Dumpf has always been clear that he doesn’t think Russia did anything wrong, doesn’t want the full details to become known, doesn’t want anyone punished, and has no particular interest in making sure they don’t do it again. And that, itself, is perhaps the most powerful evidence of collusion.
Let's round up all the unvaccinated republicans and put them in FEMA camps
Just like they did to children at the border.