Friday, September 25, 2015

It's a great day in America!

trump dumps Faux Spews

john boner retires finally forced out

Pope says republicans are assholes

republican kim davis back to jail soon

rich lowry has a templer tantrum

deadbart pays up

Pharm Bro backs down

Supreme Asshole Scalia still pissed about marriage equality

joe arpaio is facing new contempt charges, hasn't got rid of the old contempt charge

ding bat republican monkey ben carson thinks the earth was created in six, 24 hour periods and that evolution scientists are influenced by satan. (jesus christ! how fucking delusional is carson?)

carly fiorina was proved a terrible fucking liar many, many times

Nuclear Apartheid admits the real reason they want America to bomb Iran: they want World Power

"conservative health care experts have come up with significantly better alternatives to ObamaCare."

And Faux Spews is fair and balanced.  Oh, for the love of christ, Carly is garishly insulting.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why right-wing-nut christian leaders indifferent to needless suffering?

Because right wing christians are stingy, spiteful and bigoted.

This has been another round of easy answers to easy questions. Stay tuned for more easy answers!

Monday, September 21, 2015

How in the hell did Scott Walker think he was ever going to win?

He must of thought the Cock Brothers were going to fix the race some how.  No one, ever ever liked
the lying prick. It' baffling.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Yes, yes and yes

Americans are stupid, the idea of American exceptionalism is ignorant, and challenging the platform of the Democratic Party is racist.
Oh, the delicate fee-fees at Faux Spews and Deadbart!  Always something to hate, always something to be outraged at.

If you don't think Americans in general are as dumb as any republican Trumpster, take a look right here...

Friday, September 11, 2015

This Is How You Beat Donald Trump

Oh, my fucking god. Someone gets paid to do this shit.

1. Low Information voters are Trumps base. AKA Faux Spews geriatric audience.

2. Most people want single payer, socialized medicine.

3. Yes! Fuck him and his Bankster cronies.

4.  Penis nose Ted Cruz, Huckster and Frothy Fecal Material already has the batshit insane christian vote. No room there!

5. Yes! Be a bigger Asshole!!! That's the republican brand. The #1 party for bigots and racists.

6. No, really. Be A Bigger Asshole!

7. Non-starter.  republicans don't do 'human'

8. Have you been a public bigot before?

9. Attack everyone.

10.  Go for it. No rules, no ethics, no morality. Death match this bitch. American voters are tragically stupid have tragically short attention spans.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Nuclear Apartheid is losing

Honestly, fuck this zionist coward.  You have to love the spiteful cs/smoke grenade at the end. It's a perfect touch of asshole.

This abuse isn't an American value but it's apparently a Jewish one.  And has been for decades. Muhammad Tamimi might be remembered as the beginning of the end of Nuclear Apartheid.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Why Not Let Obama Have a Third Term?

and actually declare war on 'christians', persecute conservatives, put them in prison (or just excise that cancer), take ALL the wing nut guns, Voter Felon Coulter, Ping Pong Ball Malkin, Chimpy aWol, Darth Cheney (both of them) and ram a dead republican koch kock cock down Lush Rimbaughs throat?

First new day in Office, Muslim Brother Barack punches sub-mongrel human piece of ChickenHawk Coward (and pedophile rapist!) Ted Nugent in the balls on the front lawn.

Second Day it's Wayne LaPiere.

Third Day it's Larry Pratt.

Fourth Day it's Bibi Netanyahu.

After that, it's up to a Democratic vote. Thanks to Citizens United, Supreme Asshole Scalia, House Nigga Thomas and the other fascists have equal opportunity to be next! 

I can't believe so many people care about a dead cop and NO ONE has thought to ask what he did to deserve it. He had creepy perv eyes...

This troll bait hooked something called a brandon darby over at deadbart. brandon it seems, has issues.
From there, it just gets creepier. The cops showed up at her mother's house on an outstanding warrant from a misdemeanor assault charge in 2011 which was reportedly sent to Houston police as a tip by one of the people harassing her on Twitter. The police came and arrested her.
Journalism as a weapon against ordinary citizens. That's what Brandon Darby, so-called defender of the First Amendment, is all about. Not to inform, but to harass, and harass it did.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Benjamin Netanyahu is a ‘freier’ sucker

Netanyahu's cowardice has made him the Ultimate Sucker.  Hillary Clinton gives you, Bibi the Loser.
Benjamin Netanyahu “seems to lack a generosity of spirit. This combines with his legendary fear of being a ‘freier’ (sucker) in front of his people.”
With cowardice and hate, Bibi is destroying Nuclear Apartheid from within.  And by doing so he is giving the Palestinians everything they want.

Bibi the Ultimate Sucker.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

repulican war criminal Chimpy aWol Bush created ISIS as a reason to murder Arabs, Muslims and perpetuity

Either that or life long failure and miserable fuck up, republican dunce George W. Bush made the biggest strategic mistake in American history.

Of the two theories, one requires Commander BunnyPants to have strategic vision and intelligence.

The other requires him to lose a fight with a pretzel.

By the way. Can you guess who won the fight?

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

A terrible no good perception managment failure

With regards to Nuclear Apartheid, “No amount of PR and media management will make the occupation of another nation look good.” Occupation is not a real American value.