Friday, February 04, 2011

Tony Blankley from KCRW's Left Right & Center

LR&C for those that would like a quick rundown goes like this. Host Matt Miller grabs a politic headline, Robert Scheer talks thoughtfully, Tony Blankley throws a firebomb of utter bullshit, Matt agrees with him then Arianna Huffington calms everyone down.

Today's Egypt's Moment of Truth was classic LR&C. Must be why they pitched for support before the podcast aired. Any who, lets look at todays missive! Mostly everyone expressed optimistic caution and trepidation with the developments in Egypt. Except Tony who misquotes a year old Pew poll to say there is powerful evidence that Egyptians don't want modernity. Matt agrees saying Tony argument had "fair points". Fair lead-in. Small bullshit from Tony and Matt lets it slide. It's a short show, so after Robert has a thoughtful rant about US policy and Egypt Tony decides to get his Muslim Hate ON!

Tony says Muslims are not compatible with democracy. That they (meaning Israel & US, not the little people in Egypt) should just accept an authoritarian regime. Tony is worried that Egypt will go with a Sharia government, then Jordan will fall and that would be an existential threat to Apartheid Israel that was on par with Iranian nukes! You have to listen to the podcast to get the full frontal fear monger.

On cue, Matt chimes, "Should we be worried?" Arianna calms everyone down and Robert goes on a rant where he calls Tony out for his Muslim Demonization that is so popular with the racist Faux news/TeaBag crowd. Then, as a show wrap up Tony (with his nose out of joint) gives a snotty one liner to Robert for calling him out as a bigot.
Good times.

Just for giggles went to see Tony at his real, rent paying gig at the Mooney imbued subsidiary of the GOP, the Washington Times. His latest piece? BLANKLEY: Support Mubarak

BONUS: At some point during the show, Matt (we think) asks what started this Egypt revolution. The short answer is Wikileaks.

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