Thursday, February 21, 2013

Founding Father and 4th US President James Madison mandated heavily regulated firearm possession

Militias were tightly controlled organizations legally defined and regulated by the individual colonies before the Revolution and, after independence, by the individual states. 
Militia laws ran on for pages and were some of the lengthiest pieces of legislation in the statute books. States kept track of who had guns, had the right to inspect them in private homes and could fine citizens for failing to report to a muster.
These laws also defined what type of guns you had to buy — a form of taxation levied on individual households. Yes, long before Obamacare, the state made you buy something, even if you did not want to purchase it.
The founders had a word for a bunch of farmers marching with guns without government sanction: a mob. 
Lets enforce the 2nd amendment just as Founding Father James Madison wrote into law in 1791.  Insurance. Names of gun owners. Home inspections by Government officials. Musters. Training. Or go the other way and get rid of the guns. There are no militias, there is no slavery to justify muskets and it is still treasonous to overthrow the US government by violent means. Besides gun nuts, you are not going to take down the US Department of Defense with your extended clip Glock.  Either way most Americans don't give a fuck what Mobster Wayne LaPierre thinks or wants. A democratic majority are sick of gun violence. Buying a gun should be as hard to get as an abortion is in Mississippi or North Dakota. You don't like it? Fuck you. Until the US comes to its senses and either regulates gun violence out of existence or simply gets rid of them, if you are a gun nut, let providence allow your spouse, partner, parents, friends and especially your children have access to lots and lots of cheap, loaded guns.

Guns kill and more guns kill more. Enjoy!

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