Friday, February 22, 2013

Stupid shit republicans believe, updated

Republican gun nuts think Obama is raising a private black army to massacre white Americans. Bat-shit insane conservatives know Harvard Law School is harboring dozens of Communists on its faculty.

There are no photos of dead bodies of the massacre at Aurora Colorado, because it is all part of a huge conspiracy on the part of Israel to propagandize Americans to giving up their guns.

The dead children at Sandy Hook is a hoax for Obama to steal guns from conservatives. Tea-Baggers say a majority of Americans oppose a 'path to citizenship'.

Wall Street is over regulated. Barney Frank crashed the economy. Raising the minimum wage will result in higher unemployment. Pregnancy from rape is a gift from god. Cowardly draft dodger and serial pedophile rapist Ted Nugent is an expert on firearm safety. Big Bird is evil. The purpose of the endangered species act isn't to protect endangered species, it's to deny people private property.  That GI Bill benefits are being given to the detainees at Gitmo.  Chuck Hagel takes money from a shady group called "Friends of Hamas". Conservative think libertarians are pussies.

There is no such thing as REAL rape. Global warming is a hoax.  Adolf Hitler and Abraham Lincoln are very similar. Obama won't fix the mental health system because he wants Americans to feel weak. Clarence Thomas is a splendid jurist.  Evolution is a hoax. Guns don't kill people. More guns will make us safer. Democrats are the real racists.  Reducing high-capacity gun magazines has no effect on gun deaths.  Obama was born in Kenya. Obama is a socialist, marxist, communist. Obama is a muslim.  "People are buying guns like crazy now. Not because they're nutty." "Hitler passed gun control." "The biggest myth of all time is that sweatshops are bad." Arming slaves would have prevented slavers.  "Asian people are not liberal, you know, by nature. They're usually more industrious and hard-working."  Only 6% of scientists identify themselves as Republicans. 100% of Republicans have no idea why this is true. Removing lead from gasoline was a Communist plot. Adolf Hitler invented church-state separation. In fact, it's a “a lie of the left”.  Radiation is good for you. Torture is moral and produces good results.  Neo-Nazis believe they can amassed 40,000 rounds of ammunition, kill black and Jewish community leaders and get away with it. Right wing domestic terrorists believe they have the duty to kill liberals with armor piercing bullets. Obama is raising a private black army to massacre white people.

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