Sunday, February 24, 2013

Shorter KCRW's Left, Right & Center

Sequester Madness, Republicans Love Obamacare? Redefining the GOP FRI FEB 22, 2013

 As usual this weeks show is hosted by Very Serious Person and beltway conservative Matt Miller, normal person Robert "Bob" Scheer.  This weeks guest is torture advocate Rich Lowry.  What, Vin Weber not back this week? Sheesh.

VSP Matt: Sequester Madness, TeaBag Conservative Republicans love Obamacare?, GOP rebranding and Oscars preview. Busy week. Lets start. Sequester. Bob?

Bob: President is on top. Conservatives probably won't wreck the place. Military cuts good.

Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: Sequester will happen. Deficits. Dems want to raise revenue. Payroll tax bad. Republicans forced to swallow. Scare stories.

VSP Matt: Yea, I agree with you Rich, because I am a David Brooks wanabe republican. The sequester won't be so bad. Scare stories.

Bob: I'm with Krugman. Don't lay people off. Payroll tax is bad.  Military corporate welfare bad. And don't get me started on lawless Banksters. 21 trillion dollars lost. 21.

VSP Matt: Macro economics. Micro economics are absurd. Payroll tax is bad. Macro economics. 

Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: Payroll tax is bad. Blame "O" instead of the bat shit crazy Tea Bag base of the republican party for not getting that extended.  By the way Matt? Your Macro economic argument is bullshit. (Keep in mind VSP Matt did a shitty job explaining exactly what Macro economic policies he was bitching about and I'm confident Torture Advocate Rich didn't know what he was arguing against.)

VSP Matt: I'll ignore that snub. Obamacare. So, republican dead-endeers Rick Scott pulled his head out of his ass on medicaid expansion. So did Rick Snyder, John Kasich and Susana Martinez. Rick Perry will too once he remembers what the Department of Energy is.

Bob: Obamacare is an offer Tea Bag conservative republican governors cant refuse.

Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: This is a real blow. This really hurts on the right. It's a blow. Hopefully the House ding-bat republicans in Americas Wang or Florida as they like to be called will shut the whole thing down like a rape victim. There are better ways to provide healthcare, but it certainly is not Single Payer.

VSP Matt: Vouchers! Exchanges! Rick Scott demonstrates republican confusion.

Bob: It's either euthanasia or universal healthcare. Like Alan Grayson says, the republican healthcare plan is: Don't get sick and if you do, Die quickly. The proper alternative is the democratic, progressive, liberal and moral way: single the rest of the civilized, non-wingnut world.

Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: You weak minded centrist. Mush moderation between the extremes. Medicaid blows. Right Wing Nuts like me want insurance! We always wanted insurance. But not government insurance. That is socialism and it's icky.

VSP Matt: GOP rebranding. Why are we having such a hard time reinventing the republican party? Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: It's hopeless. Somehow racism, bigotry and protecting permanent monied interests while screwing helpless people all while being selfish and condescending is hard to sell.

VSP Matt: (says nothing helpful or interesting.)

Bob: The Party of Stupid is going to retrench into The Party of Meanness.

VSP Matt: Pete Domenici (46) nailed and impregnated a close colleagues daughter (24). Jesse Jackson Jr is learning how to shower with his back to the wall for using campaign cash to buy Michael Jackson memorabilia. Rich? 

Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: I hate Michael Jackson. Domenici a playa? Huh.

Bob: Republican males are especially good at being hypocritical sexist greedy pigs. I'm quoting scripture. Domenici was one of the pieces of shit who impeached Clinton!

VSP Matt: Oscars.

Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: Silver Linings Playbook. Argo.

Bob: Zero Dark Thirty and Argo. Speaking of madness, the CIA courtesy of Kermit Roosevelt created the current madness in the Middle East by overthrowing Iran's government in 1953. Endless death and horror was the result that lasts to this day!

VSP Matt: I'm pulling for Silver Linings Playbook.


Torture Advocate Rich Lowry: Pre-K is a waste. Screw those kids. Just because it provides much needed and invaluable day care for working poor parents is no reason to help children or their parents. 

Bob: Lakers owner Jerry Buss was nice guy.

VSP Matt: Read two things: Time magazine cover by Steven Brill is great (It is. Read it.) and Jonathan Cohn's "The Robot Will See You Now".

See you next week! But probably not poor Vin Weber :-)

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