A Tale of Two Economies, Obama's Charm Offensive
FRI MAR 8, 2013
This weeks host for Left, Tea Bag, Republican are hosts Very Serious Person Matt Miller, Robert Scheer, Melody Barnes and Matthew "I actually wrote a book defending Pailin" Continetti.
First, why yes! My name is Melody Barnes and I am hot.
Second, Tea Bag Continetti really did try to grift his way to wealth or at least get him some tasty wing nut welfare by scribbling "The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star" coloring book. That's republican personal responsibility in action.
VSP Matt: Can we figure out a way not to give "O" credit for the stock market and improved Jobs Report? Bob?
Bob: (Thinks: What a putz.) The numbers are better! Albeit all the new jobs are personal service jobs at lower wages. Although pundits are still doing quite well. Stakeholders.
Melody: Opportunity gap. Poverty. John Bridgeland.
Continetti: I don't know why people are happy for a record breaking DOW. Weak recovery. Explosive growth needed.
VSP Matt: Half the jobs in the US pay less than $40K a year. I'm a pundit and I am paid very, very handsomely. John Edwards. Two Americas.
Bob: No shit, asshole. And wait until the Rubes in the red states figure that out. Idiot tea baggers will be screwed.
Melody: Relationships. A pox on both houses. I'm married. Dating. Using people doesn't go well as a policy. Relationships is glue.
Continetti: I have no hope of being invited to the cocktail parties that you are Matt (wink! I desperately wish to be asked back on L, R & C. Not unlike that nasty Vin Weber.) "O" is clueless as to what to do with the insane tea bag wing nuts in the House. Relevance.
VSP Matt: I like to be stroked. Bob, you tried to stroke me before the show!! (Squeee!)
Bob: (Audible groan.) Matt you penis..sigh...cut defense.
VSP Matt: I wrote a column this week! Bobo Brooks gets all the trolls, but I have spell check too! I can't grow a mustache like the Friedman Unit but we are all from the Same Tribe! I agree with Ryan, Dems must cut entitlements. Oxygen. Screw jobs and immigration.
Melody: (actual quote) Easter Bunny and Santa Clause are gonna fly past the Cow jumping over the moon. Sharpen the point. Education. Health care reform. Relevance.
Half Time VSP Matt: Rand Paul. Matthew?
Continetti: The Aqua Buddha? Kicked off his 2016 campaign. That girl Rand Paul kidnapped in college certainly won't hurt him with republicans. And remember his insane questions about smuggling guns to Syria to Clinton? That tea bag is going places. Rubio is (and I quote) "another light weight". Paul is ready for his close up.
Bob: Due process is over rated. Like Scalia says, "Get Over It." Chimpy's Brennan is a torturer and "O" made him head of the CIA. Un-fucking-believable. Remember this the next time you call him the Kenyan Usurper.
Melody: Republican obstructionism is a disease on the soul of the United States. Strong values. Rather Paul go for an actual publicity stunt than the dickish silent holds that Inhofe does and DeMint used to do.
VSP Matt: Paul had democratic support. Drone policy. I'm staring. We killed 3000 people with drones. China and India will have drones! We have to govern. Word?
Continetti: Republicans lost their shit after 911. Went on a real massacre. Killed a lot of civilians. Committed a lot of war crimes. We've settled down. Shot our load. Trust us. Unless we can bomb Iran. Can we bomb Iran? Aggression. Extra legal means.
VSP Matt: KCRW finally paid for (invited) a minority to be on todays program. Being 100% white, male and mostly republican finally made us guilty enough to do so. Might as well ask about Cheryl Sandberg and her book "Lean In". Melody?
Melody: Matt, you are a sellout and a blatant republican. Fuck you and your patronizing career. Is 'cut entitlements' the only thing you can advocate? I mean besides your third party fantasies and your dreams of sucking tit at the Grey Lady? Christ but your are insufferable. For the love of god, stop pretending you care about anything other than deconflicting your cocktail party access calander.
Bob: Class dimension. Women are underpaid, systemically despite raising most of the children, alone. Liberals cheered when Billy Clinton screwed women (don't laugh) with dependent children who were suffering! Zero Dark Thirty proves women can be just as hateful and ugly as men when it comes to vicious policy.
Continetti: "O" is in trouble because he is underfire because he won't reveal who donated 500k or more.
Melody: Women devalue themselves.
Bob: Costco came out for raising the minimum wage. Fuck Walmart.
VSP Matt: My wife wrote something! Feminist are to blame for their unequal working conditions. Bitches all. Listen to my wife! I have to!
This weeks host for Left, Tea Bag, Republican are hosts Very Serious Person Matt Miller, Robert Scheer, Melody Barnes and Matthew "I actually wrote a book defending Pailin" Continetti.
First, why yes! My name is Melody Barnes and I am hot.
VSP Matt: Can we figure out a way not to give "O" credit for the stock market and improved Jobs Report? Bob?
Bob: (Thinks: What a putz.) The numbers are better! Albeit all the new jobs are personal service jobs at lower wages. Although pundits are still doing quite well. Stakeholders.
Melody: Opportunity gap. Poverty. John Bridgeland.
Continetti: I don't know why people are happy for a record breaking DOW. Weak recovery. Explosive growth needed.
VSP Matt: Half the jobs in the US pay less than $40K a year. I'm a pundit and I am paid very, very handsomely. John Edwards. Two Americas.
Bob: No shit, asshole. And wait until the Rubes in the red states figure that out. Idiot tea baggers will be screwed.
Melody: Relationships. A pox on both houses. I'm married. Dating. Using people doesn't go well as a policy. Relationships is glue.
Continetti: I have no hope of being invited to the cocktail parties that you are Matt (wink! I desperately wish to be asked back on L, R & C. Not unlike that nasty Vin Weber.) "O" is clueless as to what to do with the insane tea bag wing nuts in the House. Relevance.
VSP Matt: I like to be stroked. Bob, you tried to stroke me before the show!! (Squeee!)
Bob: (Audible groan.) Matt you penis..sigh...cut defense.
VSP Matt: I wrote a column this week! Bobo Brooks gets all the trolls, but I have spell check too! I can't grow a mustache like the Friedman Unit but we are all from the Same Tribe! I agree with Ryan, Dems must cut entitlements. Oxygen. Screw jobs and immigration.
Melody: (actual quote) Easter Bunny and Santa Clause are gonna fly past the Cow jumping over the moon. Sharpen the point. Education. Health care reform. Relevance.
Half Time VSP Matt: Rand Paul. Matthew?
Continetti: The Aqua Buddha? Kicked off his 2016 campaign. That girl Rand Paul kidnapped in college certainly won't hurt him with republicans. And remember his insane questions about smuggling guns to Syria to Clinton? That tea bag is going places. Rubio is (and I quote) "another light weight". Paul is ready for his close up.
Bob: Due process is over rated. Like Scalia says, "Get Over It." Chimpy's Brennan is a torturer and "O" made him head of the CIA. Un-fucking-believable. Remember this the next time you call him the Kenyan Usurper.
Melody: Republican obstructionism is a disease on the soul of the United States. Strong values. Rather Paul go for an actual publicity stunt than the dickish silent holds that Inhofe does and DeMint used to do.
VSP Matt: Paul had democratic support. Drone policy. I'm staring. We killed 3000 people with drones. China and India will have drones! We have to govern. Word?
Continetti: Republicans lost their shit after 911. Went on a real massacre. Killed a lot of civilians. Committed a lot of war crimes. We've settled down. Shot our load. Trust us. Unless we can bomb Iran. Can we bomb Iran? Aggression. Extra legal means.
VSP Matt: KCRW finally paid for (invited) a minority to be on todays program. Being 100% white, male and mostly republican finally made us guilty enough to do so. Might as well ask about Cheryl Sandberg and her book "Lean In". Melody?
Melody: Matt, you are a sellout and a blatant republican. Fuck you and your patronizing career. Is 'cut entitlements' the only thing you can advocate? I mean besides your third party fantasies and your dreams of sucking tit at the Grey Lady? Christ but your are insufferable. For the love of god, stop pretending you care about anything other than deconflicting your cocktail party access calander.
Bob: Class dimension. Women are underpaid, systemically despite raising most of the children, alone. Liberals cheered when Billy Clinton screwed women (don't laugh) with dependent children who were suffering! Zero Dark Thirty proves women can be just as hateful and ugly as men when it comes to vicious policy.
Continetti: "O" is in trouble because he is underfire because he won't reveal who donated 500k or more.
Melody: Women devalue themselves.
Bob: Costco came out for raising the minimum wage. Fuck Walmart.
VSP Matt: My wife wrote something! Feminist are to blame for their unequal working conditions. Bitches all. Listen to my wife! I have to!
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