Saturday, March 02, 2013

Shorter KCRW's Left, Right & Center

Fiscal Cliff Forever; Saucy Scalia; and Double Pope FRI MAR 1, 2013
Hosts: Very Serious Person and beltway republican Matt Miller, Robert "Bob" Scheer, Jonathan Last, Robert "Rob" Reich and not a word on Vin Weber.

VSP Matt: President wrongly blames the Tea Baggers for the sequester. Rob?

Rob: Tea Baggers engineered this crisis when they took the US hostage over the debt ceiling non-sense.

VSP Matt: "O" wont cut entitlements! I will not state the obvious and blame the Tea Bags in the House for government dysfunction. I'm the moderator for Christs sake and I'm unable to maintain the facade of centrist as it is. Why won't David Brooks return my calls? Jon?

Jon: I too, will not acknowledge the conservatives trying to destroy the American Government. Grown-ups.

Bob: Dysfunction? We bailed out the Banksters under a 'functional' government. We started unnecessary wars with a 'functional' government.  I like the cuts in military spending.

Rob: You people are insane. Cuts now will implode the economy.  Jobs not the deficit is the problem. Needless suffering.  There is dysfunction in government and I blame the Tea Bag conservative republicans in the House.

VSP Matt: I blame "O" for extending Chimpy's tax cuts. Now he is forcing republicans to go back to the well for revenue! (Notice he could of said republicans are forcing "O" to go back to the well for entitlement cuts. Matt is essentially saying, stop being mean to republicans for ransoming the economy for unpopular policy. Classic Matt.)

Rob: As soon as the election was over, "O" rolled over and resumed negotiating with himself.  And he always gives away the store! John Boner, Agent Of Orange said he got 98% of what he wanted!

Jon: Republicans gave into military cuts. Unbelievable. New era in Washington.

VSP Matt: Racial Entitlements. Bob?

Bob: Scalia is going to prevent Cadillac driving welfare queens with Obama phones from stealing votes from hard working white people.

Jon: The Supreme Assholes always vote in good faith. They never vote their personal politics.

Rob: Talk about judicial activism. Scalia is out of his fucking mind.

VSP Matt: Prop Hate in Cali. Bob?

Bob: This is non-issue. You can't have the government making law based on religious texts. I'm glad this issue is not being propagandized by Mormons anymore.

Jon: Equality is compelling. But I want to protect religious bigotry with a constitutional amendment.

Rob: We have the 14th Amendment. We have Equal Protection,  dumb ass.  As Faux Spews viewers die off this issue will go away.

VSP Matt: Bradley Manning. Bob?

Bob: The US Government can spy on every phone call, text or tweet. Manning is a whistle blower like Dan Ellsburg.  The Marines tortured him in pretrial confinement. The Government will say that what ever it does in the name of National Defense is okey-dokey even if you torture, murder and violate every constitutional right scribbled on parchment.

VSP Matt: Nazi Pope Ratz retired. Jon, want to touch on the pedophilia rape?

Jon: No, no I do not.

Rob: I will. It's not just a sin, it's a felony! Sad tragic felony sex abuse and corruption.

Jon: There is nothing there! Stop talking about pedo's, child rape and coverup! Everyone should speak german or english at the Vatican. (He actually said this)  The church has done a bang up job of getting to the bottom of the sex scandals!


Bob: Military cuts. Republicans in civil war.

Jon: Self plug. I wrote a book.

Rob: I'm not going to shill my book. I have class. History. Tea Bag conservative republicans are trying to destroy America. Deficits are not the problem. Inequality and jobs are.

VSP Matt: I wrote a poem.

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