Thursday, April 03, 2008

SECDEF Gates and VP Cheney are talking about killing 1 million Iranians and a big breasted blond.

George wonders up and asks, "What's up with the big titted blond?"

Dick Cheney says, "I told you nobody would care about 1 million dead Iranians."

We are reminded of that joke when we read this:

Disclosure Of Torture Memo Fails To Grab Traditional Media's Attention

What if they disclosed a torture memo and nobody cared? Yesterday, an 81-page memo, authored by John C. Yoo, who was a deputy in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice at the time of its creation, was declassified and made public. The memo, which, among other things, was used as the rationale for authorizing the torture of government detainees, has long been held to be a savage reimagining of the structure of the Executive Branch and its authority, hostile to the traditional checks and balances that circumscribe the President's authority. And that's stating the matter diplomatically. A less kind observer might conclude that the memo was a legal abomination which tortures the accepted body of Constitutional law along the way to glibly authorizing a Grand Guignol of authoritarian power that our nation's founders would find abhorrent. With these high stakes as the prologue, you'd have to imagine that the disclosure of the memo would be of pre-eminent importance to the media.

In simple english it means the secret Bush memo declared the US a dictatorship. It means that the Fourth Amendment had no application to domestic military operations.

God bless george aWol bush. aka Chimpy, the despicable arrogant coward.

That dawn, naked, covered in blood and feces, bleeding from her anus, she found a US soldier she did not know lying naked in the bed next to her: his gun lay on the floor beside the bed, she could not rouse him and all she could remember of the night before was screaming and screaming as the soldier anally penetrated her while a colleague who worked for defense contractor KBR held her hand--but instead of helping her, as she had hoped, he jammed his penis in her mouth.

Over the next few weeks Smith would be told to keep quiet about the incident by a KBR supervisor. The camp's military liaison officer also told her not to speak about what had happened, she says. And she would follow these instructions. "Because then, all of a sudden, if you've done exactly what you've been instructed not to do--tell somebody--then you're in danger," Smith says.

Closeted gay republican Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) absurdly states McBush has done more for global warming than al gore.

“Climate change is the road less traveled but John McCains traveled it even more than Al Gore,”

What a flaming piece of shit. Pun intended. He is the pole smoker and the old douche bag.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Idea No. 1: Protecting the environment harms the economy or Idea No. 2: A healthy economy depends upon a healthy environment

How Conservatives Have Duped Us in the Global Warming Fight

how it is that in a Democratic Congress, conservatives are the worst earmark "offenders"...

fucking worthless democrats

The ‘George W. Bush Sewage Plant.’

The enterprising Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is looking to rename Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility to the “George W. Bush Sewage Plant.” The group explains it seeks to “select a fitting monument to this president’s work” and to “honor George W Bush for his eight years of honorable public service.” “No other president in American history has accomplished so much in such a short time,” the group notes.

The ‘George W. Bush Sewage Plant.’

The enterprising Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is looking to rename Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility to the “George W. Bush Sewage Plant.” The group explains it seeks to “select a fitting monument to this president’s work” and to “honor George W Bush for his eight years of honorable public service.” “No other president in American history has accomplished so much in such a short time,” the group notes.

The GOP seems to systematically preside over slower growth and rising inequality.

I’ve known about this result for quite a while. But I’ve never written it up. Why? Because I can’t figure out a plausible mechanism. Even though I believe that politics has a big effect on income distribution, this is just too strong — and too immediate — for me to see how it can be done. Sure, Republicans want an oligarchic society — but how can they do that?

Dept. of Justice: Bush is above the law and torture laws don't apply

Today, the Washington Post revealed the actual contents of a memo from top Dept. of Justice official John Yoo that authorized torture and, basically, said the President is above the law:

Feith: Only ‘assholes’ are concerned about torture.

Yes, the man Gen Franks called the "dumbest mother fucker on the planet", jewish neocon architect of the iraq war says you are an asshole if you concern yourself with torture.

"$13,400 billion was what was leveraged on a measly $80 billion? Leveraged 167 times? Bear Stearns had less than 1% in the pot?

Now, in any normal country the ex-CEO of Bear Stearns, James Cayne, would be in jail by now, getting raped daily by Bubba the Mass Murder/Jail Pimp and thinking how lucky he was to get off so lightly. In the old Soviet Union, Caney would be in the KGB Lyubyanka prison celler, watching his fingers being popped out of place one by one and steel rods being inserted under his fingernails.

In many Western Europe countries, big on stuff like "ethics" and "honor", Caney would be given a gun with one bullet in it - and the understanding that to avoid all the fuss and spare his family, to shoot himself.

But... this is the USA!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Director of National Intelligence says George aWol Bush let 911 happen.

But it's OK because repuglicants hate facts and in fact, hate america.
Mukasey claimed that the U.S. received a phone call from a terrorist safe house in Afghanistan prior to 9/11, but couldn’t trace the call because the FISA laws were too restrictive — which is, of course, a lie. Mukasey was a Federal Judge, he knows that. Olbermann says that someone in the House or Senate needs to haul the Attorney General in and question him and find out whether he was lying to make a political point, or if the Bush administration really did receive such a call and chose not to act on it, leaving the country vulnerable to attack.