Monday, August 26, 2013

Speaking of nasty little punk bitches, Deadbart fellator James O’Keefe is destined to be raped in jail

What a creepy asshole conservative felon.

Laura Ingraham is a nasty bitch

You know who else is a bitch? Karma. Ingraham, you are a nasty cunt. Fuck off.

“the least qualified candidate for office since Caligula nominated his horse.”

How long before the thin-skinned narcissist dingbat from John "The Navy's Shittiest Pilot" McCain's hellish nightmare feels slighted and has someone ghost tweet a nasty, immature response?

Meet conservative bigot and intellectual dullard, Christina Katok

Christina thinks Obama is Kenyan and not born by American Ann Dunham. Yet, Christina thinks that Ted Cruz who WAS born in Canada is American because, “Canada is not really foreign soil.”
“As far as I’m concerned, Canada is not really foreign soil,” she explained, adding that she was more worried about the president’s “strong ties to Kenya.” She noted that Obama had not released his long-form birth certificate until after he was elected.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

NSA Officers Sometimes Spy on Love Interests

There are some sick perverts in Deep State NSA.  Fortunately the NSA is unaccountable, so fuck you libtard.

Friday, August 23, 2013

German gov’t: Windows 8 contains backdoor for NSA, Chinese

Window 8 machines with the “Trusted Computing” chip are not to be trusted. They contain hardware and software that give anyone — including potentially the NSA and even the Chinese — with the embedded “control key” complete access to your system.

iMessage encryption not secure, never was

The DEA's "Special Operations Division" (SOD) was getting information from various intelligence agencies -- including the NSA, FBI and CIA -- and was using that to alert DEA, IRS and other government officials of investigations they might want to do, without revealing too many details. Those agencies were then told to "launder" (i.e., LIE, which was illegal in Pre-Post-Constitutional America) the information to pretend that they'd discovered any criminal activity through other means.

However, I was recently reminded of a story from just a few months before all of these revelations started coming out -- in which a DEA memo was "leaked," in which the DEA complains that Apple's iMessage encryption had "stymied" DEA agents from being able to spy on conversations. Except, as many people noted, this was clearly not true, because the iMessage encryption is not truly end-to-end. Apple holds the key itself, so the DEA can easily get the decrypted messages via Apple.

Mugabe Is Filthy Disease Destroying Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has only a couple hundred dollars in the bank while Mugabe spends lavishly on themselves. At 89, lets hope he dies slowly and painfully. Also Mugabe is a hate monger.

Meet Colorado republican asshole Vicki Marble

She has no idea how racist, bigoted and ignorant she really is. Not all republicans are racist bigots. But if you are a racist bigot, you're probably voting republican while denying being a racist bigoted asshole.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

35 years, that’s almost a life sentence – for crimes that the government was unable to prove actually and directly hurt anyone

That's not the point, libtard! The point is powerful ignorant war criminals were embarrassed! Jesus, what's wrong with you, you un-American traitor? There were promotions to be had! Medals! Ribbons! Who gives a shit if some poor slob or two (or hundreds of thousands adults and children) were murdered? You say war crimes I say potatoes and tomatoes.  You say 'careerism' like it's an ugly or dishonorable word. This is post-constitution America, asshole. Get with the program.

Finally there is one more thing I want to get off my chest. I want every Iraqi family struggling with a congenital birth defect due to depleted uranium to just shut the fuck up and say, "Thank You America, for my Freedom".  Just because Iraqi birth defects are worse than Hiroshima after American terrorists patriots nuked Japan with Little Boy, there is no reason for those sand negros to complain.

Besides, we got rid of Saddam! Mushroom clouds and smoking guns, remember? "Bin Laden determined to strike the US" and My Pet Goat? Good times. Anyhoo, screw you libtard. You don't know anything. 35 years is too good for a traitor like Manning.

House negro Colin Powel schools North Carolina teabag governor Pat McCrory over his new Jim Crow voter laws

Harry Belafonte used stronger language but honestly who gives a shit what Powel says? Like Colin Powel is a bastion of moral turpitude? Powel sold his soul to Chimpy aWol Bush at the UN on February 5, 2003. Powel traded his credibility for the lives and fortunes of hundreds of thousands of Americans and Iraqi.  So Colin, with no respect offered, shut the fuck up.  War criminals like you should be in jail, held up as on object of derision and ridicule for all of eternity.

Captured FISA court: "NSA possibly violated a criminal law against spying on Americans."

Even the secret FISA court stacked with Chief Justice Roberts’ sycophant judges recognized the NSA violated federal criminal law.

Sad trombone. Sad face. Butt hurt. Sads.

You cannot have this much unchecked power and have a free society. The power will be abused, it will be misused, and the more secret the power is the less accountable those are who wield it. The NSA, if nothing else, has proven this point repeatedly. They have tasked themselves the right to spy on whomever they want whenever they want despite Constitutional guarantees against unreasonable searches and seizures.

That's right, bitches! Long Live Deep State NSA!!! Freedom! Liberty. Eh. oh. Wait a minute...

NSA Lied Repeatedly To The FISA Court As Well Congress

Ta Daa! Long Live Deep State NSA! Probable Cause is so pre-Post Constitutional America, you dumb libtards.