Friday, August 30, 2013

Israel continues to spy on the United States despite massive levels of U.S. aid and support

Maybe the US should stop giving apartheid israel free money, weapons and intel.
Israel is listed as one of the key targets for counterintelligence effort with China, Russian, Iran, and Cuba. Even as Israel continues to pressure the United States for the release of American Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli spy convicted in 1987, the report indicates that Israel is continuing to target the United States with espionage.

Asshole republicans of the day

1) Wingnut, teabag birther Jerome Corsi wants you to call him a racist bigot. Also, he thinks sex isn't about being fun.

2) The ever assinine Jim DeMint, formally know as the Senate's Bigges Asshole says providing health care For Seniors And Veterans Is ‘Un-American’ And Grounded In ‘Socialism’.

3) In effort to woo female voters, Turtle Mitch McConnell touts womens's law he voted against.

4) Lizard Cheney says 'I am not pro-gay marriage'. To wit the world says, 'We don't fucking care what racist batshit you think, bitch.'

5) Deep State NSA, run by facists, on a bloated tax payer budget, finds no terrorists. So naturally, every US citizen is a terrorist. That's the reason the NSA has to Commandeer the Internet.

Deep State NSA beginning to piss off white people

The Deep State NSA is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies.

Is the intelligence community running America?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Teabag conservative racist North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory says you're too fucking stupid to understand his genius.

“This is too complex for the journalists,” McCrory said, to laughter from the [Council of Independent Business Owners] members. “They don't have economics degrees, they've not been in business.
McCrory doesn't have an economics degree either.

No more US fought wars for apartheid israel

"A Limited US Strike on Syria Would Give Putin, Assad and Khamenei Upper Hand"
Maybe the US should stop giving apartheid israel free money, weapons and intel.

Old, white republican shit head Judge G. Todd Baugh lets 50 year old rapist off free. The 14 year old child he raped killed herself

Judge G. Todd Baugh is a disgusting subhuman piece of conservative republican shit

This is the ding bat bitch that has to fuck draft dodging coward and serial pedophile rapist Ted Nugent

NSA spends Billions of tax payer dollars to break the law, lie about it, spy on you, and send you to jail

Long Live Deep State NSA!!!

Not one, not ONE, racist republican piece of shit elected official showed up to yesterday's 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

But hey, try not to read too much into that. JK. republicans are racist and mean spirited. And will never win national office again. Good luch with your minority voter outreach!

Asshole republicans of the day

Interesting group of teabag conservative assholes today.
1) Arkansas republican asshole Jeremy Hutchinson recently participated in “active shooter” training and shot a teacher who was confronting a so-called bad guy. The experience gave Hutchinson “some pause” but failed to shake his confidence in the plan. 
2) Bigot Matthew Hagee says those who support the separation of church and state by telling her that such people will have to answer to God for believing this deception. So logically Matthew Hagee says the Founding Fathers are in Hell. 
3) Ding bat racist Rep. Steve King told a crowd in South Carolina this week that unemployed people were like children who wanted to eat before they had done their chores. 
4) Hate radio grifter Stan Solomon: Trayvon Martin Deserved To Die And So Does 'That Faggot' Dan Savage 
5) The cause of Australian student Christopher Lane murder in Oklahoma? Non-priest and executive director of Priests for Life Janet Morana says it is "survivor syndrome" from Roe v Wade
6) The anything but Christian Broadcasting Network hosted Dr. Linda Mintle who says a Pennsylvania bill geared at preventing anti-LGBT discrimination would expose christians as the “bigots” they are. She even asserted that the bill would harm survivors of rape and sexual abuse. 
7) Laura Ingraham is an unrepentant classless bitch who deserves nothing but disrespect and ridicule in perpetuity. 
8) David Marsters, a teabag asshole from Sabattus, Maine says of Obama, he wants to “Shoot the ni**er.” What, pray tell, caused Marsters to issue this death threat? A right wing myth (like most right wing myths) that wasn't true. 
9) The dumbest motherfucker in the US House, texas republican Louie Gohmert insists that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction including nukes 
10) Arkansas State teabag asshole Jason Rapert stated that it is not the will of 80,000 constituents that he represents but rather the will of God because "there's only one vote that matters and that's when I stand before the Lord at the judgment seat." The only little problem with that flawless logic is that the lord didn't put you into office. You constituents did. Worse, they pay your salary. You swore an oath to them not your adolescent superstitious imaginary invisible friend. And you, republican asshole Jason Rapert lied to constituents and betrayed their trust. So enjoy your last term in office you arrogant prick.  
11) Bryan Fischer: America Will Never Elect A Saggy, Old Woman Like Hillary Clinton As President. You know what, you son of a bitch bigot? You are going to live out your shitty life in that grim DJ booth.

It is truly a pleasure to watch the republican party simultaneously lose the culture war and slide further to obsolescence, obscurity and irrelevance. Have a nice day wing nuts!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Coward Pat Robertson says that gay people in San Francisco try to cut people’s fingers with special rings in order to infect them with AIDS.

Coward Pat says AIDS may be contracted by sex, but he is not sure.

"All science, and more than 32,000 leading scientists dispute global warming" is untrue. The whole 32,000 scientists thing is a fraud

The 32,000 scientist fraud is being conducted by teabag conservative assholes and is in no way based in fact. Of course, it you believe in the 32,000 scientist meme, you are too fucking stupid to vote or breath clean air. We're looking at you, Bob Lutz.

Bonus Fun! Art Robinson is a crackpot teabag conservative from hell. Art like to sprinkle nuclear waste on his Fruit Loops. Art's staggering ignorance and arrogance needs to be ridiculed loudly and publicly. He's all yours, republicants.

The Houston Police Department has quite a few pieces of shit with badges

Texas cocksuckers arrested and interogated a 10 year old girl. Her mother was not allowed to see her ten year old daughter during the interogation.
Ashley's Mother also says the Houston Police sex crimes investigator didn't allow her to sit in on the questioning of her daughter. She says a 45 minute long interrogation that left her 10 year old in tears.
Fucking texas asshole cops. Fuck you