Thursday, October 03, 2013

Teabag republican Randy Neugebauer confronts a Park Ranger at the WW2 memorial

This asshole blames her for the park shutdown. The balls on this prick.
"How do you look at them and... deny them access?" said Neugebauer. He, with most House Republicans, had voted early Sunday morning to pass a funding measure that would delay the Affordable Care Act, a vote that set up a showdown with the Senate and President Barack Obama. With the parties unable to agree on how to fund the federal government, non-essential government functions shut down Tuesday. "It's difficult," responded the Park Service employee. "Well, it should be difficult," replied the congressman, who was carrying a small American flag in his breast pocket. "It is difficult," responded the Park Service employee. "I'm sorry, sir." "The Park Service should be ashamed of themselves," the congressman said. "I'm not ashamed," replied the ranger.

The NSA has endangered us all by sabotaging security

We, the American People, are the enemy. The US government is not here to help you. The security state exists to exploit and control you.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday said that moving forward with President Barack Obama's health care reform law that was passed by Congress in 2008 was a "felony" and a "criminal act."

The US Government's right to your private information.

Lavabit founder Ladar Levison got screwed by the US Government. Edward Snowden used Lavabit and the FBI wanted to eat all the cookies.
Hilton ruled for the government. “[The] government’s clearly entitled to the information that they’re seeking, and just because you-all have set up a system that makes that difficult, that doesn’t in any way lessen the government’s right to receive that information just as they could from any telephone company or any other e-mail source that could provide it easily,” said Hilton.
Did you read that? That's what the Judge said. The "government's rights". Stop and think about that. Your rights and the rights of 400,000 subscribers? Go f*** yourself. The government's rights? I want it all. All the keys, all the encryption. Everything. I'm the US government. I have rights. This taking of private information is an ongoing public rape by the government that will never be stopped. The information will inevitably be abused by government employees. There will be endless blackmail, theft, murders... Or worse, batallions of DOJ federal prosecutors will get to cut and paste all your juicey gossipy information...

Torat Ha’Melech, or the King’s Torah, “230 pages on the laws concerning the killing of non-Jews, a kind of guidebook for anyone who ponders the question of if and when it is permissible to take the life of a non-Jew.”

According to the most racist Jews, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira and Rabbi Yosef Elitzur, non-Jews are “uncompassionate by nature” and may have been killed in order to “curb their evil inclinations.”

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The elephant must go down. And if possible, it must be so wounded it does not get up for a long time to come.

Shorter Andrew Sulivan: die republican assholes DIE!
How does one party that has lost two presidential elections and a Supreme Court case – as well as two Senate elections - think it has the right to shut down the entire government and destroy the full faith and credit of the United States Treasury to get its way on universal healthcare now?
Obama won. Teabag coservatism lost. They deserve nothing. So conservatives continue to destroy America. UnAmerican conservative traitors.
I regard this development as one of the more insidious and anti-constitutional acts of racist vandalism against the American republic in my adult lifetime. Those who keep talking as if there are two sides to this, when there are not, are as much a part of the vandalism as Ted Cruz. Obama has played punctiliously by the constitutional rules – two elections, one court case – while the GOP has decided that the rules are for dummies and suckers, and throws over the board game as soon as it looks as if it is going to lose by the rules as they have always applied. The president must therefore hold absolutely firm. This time, there can be no compromise because the GOP isn’t offering any. They’re offering the kind of constitutional surrender that would effectively end any routine operation of the American government. If we cave to their madness, we may unravel our system of government, something one might have thought conservatives would have opposed. Except these people are not conservatives. They’re vandals.

republican scumbag Rick Perry mansplains his wife's comments on abortion

The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one. He really is palin level of stupid.

The NSA has everyone who uses electronic communications under constant surveillance.

The NSA lies to congress and congress doesn't give a shit.

Israel Uses Settler Feces as Bio-Warfare Weapon

Seriously, Apartheid, what the fuck? You inhuman bastards are spraying shit and water on peoples homes? At this rate lets hope Iran goes nuclear soon.
Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) uses feces of Israeli residents and settlers as a form of bio-warfare against Palestinian farmers in the villages of Wadi Fuqeen and Nahaleen. Additionally, the Israeli army has developed a large vehicle for spraying sewage waste and feces at Palestinian protestors and homes, reportedly, in the towns of Abu Dis, Aizariah, Bil’in and Nabi Saleh. Spraying sewage waste has become so common a weapon used by the Israeli Army that the combination of sewage water, feces, and human urine has been named “skunk”. B'Tselem reports that ‘skunk’ and the vehicle used to disperse it, have been added to Israel's armory for crowd control.

Teabag conservative republicans destroying America today

They did it for them. They liked it. It made them feel alive. Oh well. Fuck you teabag republicans. ObamaCare is here, it's working and you will be blamed for the shutdown.
Republicans brought the country beyond the brink, as they refused to do what they are Constitutionally called upon to do: fund the government. By holding the government hostage to an already-enacted and SCOTUS-approved, law, they’ve forced a shutdown.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Department of Justice memo instructs local police, under a program named "communities against terrorism," to consider anyone who harbors "conspiracy theories" about 9/11 to be a potential terrorist.

This is immense. Epic. Massive. Who was the teabag asshole that shat this abortion?
The memo thus adds 9/11-official-story skeptics to a growing list of targets described by federal law enforcement to be security threats, such as those who express "libertarian philosophies," "Second Amendment-oriented views," interest in "self-sufficiency," "fears of Big Brother or big government," and "Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties."

These fuckers are insane. Do charity work or insist American exceptionalism murders and you! You! Are a potential terrorist.

The best part of this post?

In 2009, an uproar was created when the Department of Homeland Security issued a report describing returning Iraq veterans as potential terrorists

How Bad Will Republican Traitors Hurt America Today?

When will every single non crazy person in America understand exactly what Republicans are. Terrorists.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

House Republicans unveiled a plan on Saturday that would keep the government open until Dec. 15 in exchange for a one-year delay of Obamacare

Go fuck yourselves, teabag conservative assholes. ObamaCare is here. You lose. Sad face. Sad trombone.

America exceptionalism died with the rise of teabag conservatism.

During a meeting of the House Republican Caucus, Congressman John Culberson (R-TX) compared the relentless Republican effort to defund Obamacare to the heroic efforts of the passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 who overpowered terrorists who had gained control of the plane.
Yea. Because on one hand it's about Americans crashing United 93 into a field and the other is giving health care to American. Same thing to a teabag republican like John Culberson.