Saturday, October 19, 2013

Jail dick nosed republican Ted Cruz for sedition

According to the U.S. code, a seditious conspiracy is part of any conspiracy to “oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States.”
se·di·tion noun \si-ˈdi-shən\ : the crime of saying, writing, or doing something that encourages people to disobey their government

Thursday, October 17, 2013

US Veteran tells Dick Nose Cruz and Wasilla Grifter to fuck off

Watch the expression on Dick Noses' face.

Tea Party Insult Generator

Fuck you, teabags. Taste the pain and go to hell.
From actual insults posted on John Boehner's Facebook wall.

New York Jews, San Francisco Chinamen & the Cleveland Indians

I firmly believe that a government that forbids killing among its citizens should not be in the business of killing people itself.

- Larry Flynt

Meet republican asshole, Richland County Sheriff’s Deputy Paul Allen Derrick, 49, of South Carolina

This fat bald slob was insulted that 23-year-old Brittany Ball didn't want to fuck this belligerent dickhead.
So what did the drunk, off duty asshole do? Why he cuffed her, tortured her and dragged her into the street, because derp.  Sick fuck Paul Allen Derrick was not fired.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Government Efforts to Keep Use of Surveillance Secret from Drug Defendants Challenged

Maybe the US can jail a few Deep State NSA fascists?
Defendants have a right to discovery evidence that would be relevant to a Fourth Amendment motion to suppress, the brief argues. They are entitled to “disclosure of the full extent of the electronic surveillance used in this case, in particular, any reliance on NSA-derived call data, the Hemisphere Project and/or stingrays.”
Hey it's still a post 911, post constitutional world.
EPIC believes the NSA overstepped its authority by carrying out broad communications monitoring and surveillance worldwide, and demanded the program be stopped.  
Good luck with that. NSA will simply say "Ok. You got us!" then rename the program and continue unabated.  The fuckers can't be trusted. They lied to congress, they lied to FISA courts there is no accountability.

$30G went missing in SEAL rescue of Capt. Phillips; SEALs given polygraph test

The $30,000 was never recovered. As part of the investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, SEALs were polygraphed, according to former and current law enforcement and military officials who spoke under the condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to talk about the case. It's not clear if all the SEALs who responded to the hijacking were polygraphed.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Criminal Discovery on Surveillance Programs

Evidence laundering and illegal searches is really going to bite the NSA. They fucked up. They lied to congress. Total Information Awareness didn't go away. Congress told them 'no' and they did it anyway.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dick nosed Canadian, Raffy Cruz wants to finish the economic destruction Chimpy started

Here’s a cheerful thought as Congress remains deadlocked over the debt ceiling and the hours tick away toward default: Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who basically forced the shutdown and whose own private polls have convinced him that it has been a glorious success, at this point could probably force a default and global economic calamity on his own—if he were so inclined.
He's inclined. HealthCare for America must be stopped. He had to destroy the world in order to save it.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Gavin Reece

Non-Veterans Lee, Palin, And Cruz Accuse Obama Of Politicizing Veterans While Politicizing Veterans

If republicans Cruz, Palin and Lee are involved, it will fail. Beyond that, how many teabags will realize none of them served?

These racist teabag assholes even embarrassed the DC cops keeping order! What un American republican pieces of shit.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hey John, are you going to take this shit from that punk ass bitch?

You'd better get your people under control.

The US Navy's Shittiest Pilot cast aspersions on Gohmert's asparagus:
“On that particular issue, sometimes comments like that are made out of malice,” McCain told Williams. “But if someone has no intelligence, I don’t view it as being a malicious statement. You can’t respond to that kind of thing.”

Silk Road, intelligence laundering, evidence laundering and parallel construction

Commerce, deception, Deep State NSA and the DOJ. This will take decades.
“Federal agents are trained to ‘recreate’ the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant’s Constitutional right to a fair trial,” reported Reuters. 
"Some Experts" like Jim Sensenbrenner, the guy who wrote the Patriot Act has insisted that the bill was written specifically to prevent the kind of datamining we now know the NSA pretends the law authorized.  Awesome. So what happened?

1) Congress specifically told the NSA not to spy on Americans. Twice.

2) The NSA said, "Fuck you" and did it anyway. Which is illegal.

3) But things are go swimmingly. NSA perverts are spying on ex-spuses, lovers and soon to be ex-lovers.

4) The NSA isn't catching terrorist, but decide they can bust some pot smokers and tax cheats. So the NSA reaches out to Chimpy aWol Bush's badly politicized DOJ. Those wing nuts are mean spirited and bigoted and they give NSA legal cover over illegally obtained evidence.  Immediately it becomes clear to the republican run DOJ that weaponizing NSA intel means a permanent republican majority everywhere. Karl Rove becomes the most powerful man in the Universe.

Between a 'captive' FISA court, a corrupt DOJ and lying to congress, it's game on.

5) In the 'clear' the NSA gives illegally obtained intelligence to the FBI, CIA, DEA, IRS and whomever else the ChimpCo DOJ wanted to, then told everyone to lie about where the information came from. Again highly illegal.

6) That's when the US goes Post-Constitutional.  Deep State NSA goes to war on American citizens. Black budgets get increased. Life is good. The American Way prevails.

7) Only one tiny little problem. One little fly in the ointment. Not a single terrorist attack has been prevented by domestic spying. Billions have been spent, but the NSA is not foiling any terrorist plots.

8) The 'captive' FISA court and the DOJ is complicit with the NSA in criminal conspiracy to lie to the rest of the world, which is again, usually illegal when you do it in front of a judge.

9) ChimpCo leaves in disgrace. John "The Navy's Shittiest Pilot" McCain queefs Palin and Greasy Todd onto the world and the US elects a black man.

Oops. Now things really go sideways.

10) ChimpCo torture, rendition, Valerie Plame, Domestic Spying, 911, War Crimes and global economic catastrophe makes investigation into republican corruption impossible. Too many people at the NSA and CIA have done way too much, broken too many big laws.  America's first black president wont survive a CIA coup. Old White Conservatives go apoplectic Teabag.

Obama says it's time to look forward, not backward.

11) The only problem is, with no indictments, Deep State NSA/CIA says, "Eat All The Cookies!". No accountability. And then came the whistleblowers. Then Silk Road. Now even civilians realize the game is rigged.  Lawyers are begin to get standing. Blood and money begin to cloud the waters.

How do the government conspirators cover up their crimes? Who was fucking dumb enough to think this was all going to end well? Watch this space.

But here's the thing: If the NSA, FBI, IRS and the DEA can lie to congress or a federal judge without accountability, why doesn't the NSA just team up with the CIA and create their own death squads? And who at Deep State NSA decides which cases get what illegally obtained info?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Meet republican asshole, Rick Reilly ESPN columnist

ESPN employee Rick Reilly's latest missive starts thusly:
I guess this is where I'm supposed to fall in line and do what every other American sports writer is doing. I'm supposed to swear I won't ever write the words "Washington Redskins" anymore because it's racist and offensive and a slap in the face to all Native Americans who ever lived. Maybe it is.
When you start your opinion piece admitting you're a racist asshole, don't expect any happy surprise endings. What is noteworthy is that this ESPN employee goes on to slander and lie. Why is this ESPN employee a republican? Because if your going to be racist, you're probably going to vote republican. The Westboro Baptist Church doesn't vote democratic. Regardless, better get Houston on the phone, because there might be a problem in ESPN racist paradise.
When Rick’s article came out, it upset me to be portrayed as an “Uncle Tom” in support of this racial slur. I asked him to correct the record. He has not, so I must do it myself.