Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wing nut republican senators want to discriminate against anybody who engages in premarital sex.

What unmitigated assholes. These pricks want to legislate religious bigotry.
Several Republican Senators have introduced their own version of the House’s so-called “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act,” introduced in September by Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-ID), which guarantees that businesses and even government employees can refuse to recognize a same-sex marriage and discriminate against anybody who engages in premarital sex.
According to Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), the bill’s sponsor, the issue at hand is “respect” for Christians’ “religious liberty”:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Comparisons between Israel and Nazis ‘crushingly obvious’

Pink Floyd’s Rogers Waters: Comparisons between Israel and Nazis ‘crushingly obvious’ Waters, a longtime critic of Israeli treatment of Palestinians, told CounterPunch magazine on Saturday that the powerful “Israeli propaganda machine” had influenced U.S. policy in the region and shaped the mainstream media narrative.

“The Jewish lobby is extraordinary powerful here and particularly in the industry that I work in, the music industry and in rock ‘n’ roll, as they say,” Waters said.

He has called on musicians to boycott Israel for its treatment of Palestinians, which he also compared to ethnic cleansing and South African apartheid.

“So for an artist to go and play in a country that occupies other people’s land and oppresses them the way Israel does, is plain wrong,” Waters said. “They should say no. I would not have played for the Vichy government in occupied France in the Second World War, I would not have played in Berlin, either, during this time. Many people did, back in the day. There were many people that pretended that the oppression of the Jews was not going on from 1933 until 1946, so this is not a new scenario — except that this time it’s the Palestinian people being murdered.”

Waters expressed his longtime support of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement, which hopes to pressure Israel into give Palestinian refugees the right to return to lands they believe was unlawfully taken from them and occupied by Israeli forces and to give Arab-Palestinians full equality under the law.

NSA Is Using Google Cookies To Track Online Activity

Separately, the NSA is also using commercially gathered information to help it locate mobile devices around the world, the documents show. Many smartphone apps running on iPhones and Android devices, and the Apple and Google operating systems themselves, track the location of each device, often without a clear warning to the phone's owner.

Sally Kohn suffers from Stockholm Syndrome

In Sally Kohn's Ted Talk titled, "Let’s try emotional correctness" Sally testifies that as a faux spews host, she witnessed Sean Hannity being nice to the staff and that Liberals and conservatives should be nice to each other and really listen to each other.

Bullocks. Hannity deserves, nay, needs to be publicly ridiculed and humilitated for being the hate grifter he is. Lots of human pieces of shit were nice people to talk to over coffee but many could of used a Second Amendment aid. Sally is just thankful the conservative bigots at faux don't stone her when she comes in to work.

Nothing Sean Hannity says is legitimate. Nothing can be learned from Sean Fucking Hannity. When Sean dies, no one will shed a tear. Sean has neither improved the human condition for anyone or imporved the political disscourse in America. Sean is less than zero and deserves no human kindness and is to be avoided at all costs.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Asshole Erik Rush from WingNutDaily and regular Faux Spews guest wonders if Blacks were better off being subjugated under Apartheid

There are South African blacks who have told friends of mine they wish it was back because the country was safer.

Obama will stage false flag financial collapse to prevent impeachment

Then Hussein will begin taking guns from law abiding citizens. republicans (mean spirited asshole conservative racists) will be rounded up for execution in FEMA camps with all the bullets the IRS bought. Sharia law will then be implemented. Liberals will perform gay sex on the remaining straight republican men. Gerome Corsi is a fucking idiot. Teabag republican conservatives are a fucking disease.

republican National Committee Dave Agema says gays will abuse the system for health care benefits, which is why he wants “traditional marriage.”

Mean spirited and bigoted republicanism is not a winning strategy.

Monday, December 09, 2013

How can conservatives be racist when they also smear white people?

Because republicans are mean-spirited and racist. It's a two-fer. It's a feature, not a bug. Being racist assholes is the conservative raison d'etat. Childish, selfish, greedy, insecure, fearful, spiteful, resentful and grudge bearing, these traits in an adult are definitive indications of personality disorder and it perfectly describes todays conservative. Republicans are a disease that need to be excised from the body politic.

Who does not instinctively know this in their heart? What sentient being is ignorant of this truism?

Federal Judge: Supreme Sam Alito is a bigot

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito lacks “either understanding or interest” in the discrimination faced by women, African Americans or Latinos, according to federal Judge Harold Baer

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Newt is more interesting when Sheldon Adelsons' hand isn't shoved up his ass

 It's shocking Newt may have said this.
Some conservatives say, ah, but he was a communist.
Actually Mandela was raised in a Methodist school, was a devout Christian, turned to communism in desperation only after South Africa was taken over by an extraordinarily racist government determined to eliminate all rights for blacks.
I would ask of his critics: where were some of these conservatives as allies against tyranny? Where were the masses of conservatives opposing Apartheid? In a desperate struggle against an overpowering government, you accept the allies you have just as Washington was grateful for a French monarchy helping him defeat the British.
Finally, if you had been imprisoned for 27 years, 18 of them in a cell eight foot by seven foot, how do you think you would have emerged? Would you have been angry? Would you have been bitter?
If Rich Lowry was born black in South Africa and had to live under Apartheid, I'm sure he'd be giving Frederik Willem de Klerk handies and blowies under the table.

Israel must change its genocidal policy, as a minimum

 Iran must be assured that Israel will never be a “threshold nuclear weapons state.” The negotiators of a final accord with Tel Aviv must also “demand a change to its genocidal policy, as a minimum.” Israel must change its genocidal policy toward Iran, he stressed.

AIPAC. The greatest obstacle to peace

the greatest obstacles to peace between Israel and the Palestinians and her Arab neighbors are the “unlimited” funds available to Jewish organizations and AIPAC in the U.S., as well as Germany’s “obsession” with defending Israel.