Saturday, October 07, 2017

Republicans are going to have to choose between America and the United States of Russia

This week, Robert Mueller confirmed Donald J Trump committed the biggest acts of treason in American history in the run up to the 2016 election.  It turns out Trump really is a fucking moron and he thought he'd get away with it.

He didn't, thanks Gods but what comes next is up to Republicans.

Ever since William F Buckley successfully gaffed off the Nazi/Bircher/Asshole wing of the Republican party this confrontation has been brewing. Vietnam, Watergate, Clintons, Kenyan Usurper, blah, blah, blah, and here we are: The rabid nihilist base (deplorables) have taken over, The Traitorous Moron is in charge and Republicans will have to choose between country or party. The deplorables are choosing party, of course, but what will the rest of the Republican party choose?

If most Republicans decide to let the whole Russian treason slide because they think they will continue to win elections with Russian help they are dumber than I can comprehend.  On the other hand no matter what Mueller produces, I can't imaging Republicans saying, "Gosh, you know what? I see the evidence! Trump did collude! We were invaded! Let's expel the Russians and fix our voting system!!!"

I'm not going to rub your nose on the carpet like a dog that just took a shit. I'd like to ask you a question and point out a couple of things.

First, do you believe in American values? Is there anything about all America you value? Do you believe in the Constitution? Even the icky, squishy parts? Do you believe in voting? Democracy? Justice? Superman? The American way? Anything? Is there something, anything you can hang your conscience on?

Second, as a practical matter, why in Gods name would you allow those fucking cossacks to tell you what to do? Why would you let them muscle in on your turf? Why are you letting those fucking migrants take your job?  See where I'm going with this? You guys are not the coexist crowd. Russians are not your friend. This is an invasion by other means. Sure, you got your dim-witted moron as president and he fucked shit up.  It was great. Now what? There isn't going to be a race war. There isn't going to be WW3. This is it. Russia won. Their goal was to stop American progress by destroying American values and institutions.

In short; You Got Played, Deplorable. You're a sucker and much too stupid to realize or admit it.

So, unless you want more stalemate and shittiness, there is going to have to be some accountability. Traitor Dumpf is going to have to go.  You can't count on the Mavericky Sarah and Greasy Todd Palin's of the world. Or the obese white pickup driving racists living 6-pack to 6-pack. Or the Alt-Right Breitbart Twitter Intelligentsia for these are the ignorant and deplorable.

It will be a mid to low level life long FBI Agent out of the New York office maybe, who decides he's worked his life fighting thugs in America for his crappy salary and doesn't want to compete with the fucking Russians too.   It will be some loser in Mitch McConnell's office who worked his life in futility who decides life under Emperor Moron carries dire and unpleasant consequences. It will be Rich Lowry who finally Homer Simpson's his party into doing the right thing even if for the wrong reasons. It will be David Frum, Bloody Bill Kristol and a host of neocons who just want to "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran".  Unfortunately, John "The US Navy's Shittiest Pilot" McCain won't be with us anymore by then.

Republicans are particularly fond of telling Muslims to get their people under control to end "Radical Islamic Terrorism" at every opportunity.

Why can't you Republicans get your deplorable/Nazi/Bircher/asshole terrorists under control?

Friday, April 21, 2017

The World Determined by Dumpf: a codex

Just prior to Traitor Dumpf, the US national strategy was of course, world domination.

It's merely that simple. The US government is an Army with an insurance company attached. Of the 196 countries in the world, the US has lethal force in 150.  I honestly don't think this grandiose death wish of a fantasy is even controversial at this point, but it's important to state the obvious for Trump's racist voters a certain portion of the US electorate.

General Wesley Clark gave the game away and everyone sort of instinctively knew it. Everyone knew it and realized we had no control over it.

Thus the 21st century began and we found seven middle east countries targeted with regime change (it's true! we did do it for the Jews!) then it's off to war with China in 20 years while Russia licked balls uh, as long as Vlad gets his vig

Specifically however, The rules are fairly simple:

1) Right wing and white, it's always alright.
2) You can't kill everyone, offer not valid for one certain non-Christian brown religion.

Jewish, Russian, even French right wing is ok. (ah hem, Le Pen.) At this point, a right wing Germany would clearly be Okey Dokey Smokey. As long as the Commander of NATO wears an American uniform. Somehow the Deep State can't really abide by a Nationalistic Germany (but they're so white!!!) So you can see the conundrum there, but remember rule number one. Corollary: Right wing and yellow is a 'no'. Also, Muslims, need not apply.

Besides, Russia is kinda white (i know. don't say it.) and Europe well, they make some nice cars, so they can stay, but Muslims? Well, everyone has a place in God's Choir but Muslims are clearly in the back row. And if a row has to be sacrificed for the greater good, who is the US to argue with God's plan and who besides the US could?

So far the plan is going swimmingly. Iran will go next then the big one with China. (God Dam that F-35!?! What the fuck is the problem???)  By then the world will concluding it's 6th and last terminal mass extinction event. There will be nuclear blasts and darkness the world has never known. Every monster in Nietzsche's abyss will feel like a warm but lost loving kiss.  

So that was how the Zuckerberg's, Petraeus's and Ted Cruz's of the world were planning to live life: In a police state (maybe even on your own island in the Pacific!) trying to keep the lights on scrounging for the last bits of irradiated food while the 99.9% of the world starves to death.

And we were all cool with that. Tacitly, anyway.  In the mean time, there were hippies to punch, fags to torture, niggas to piss on and streams that needed coal ash.

No single flake of snow feels guilty in an avalanche.  America Wins! USA! USA!

But things went sideways when a profoundly, severely mentally ill retard republican took office. Greed got in the way of good sense as it always does and Americas inner Vampire Squid took charge.

Now, President Snowflake would rather nuke the world rather to admit he's an asshole and that presents a rather nasty fly in the ointment for America's disease republican death cult party;

Just how much money can we steal and how many people can we kill before Dumpf nukes us all?

It's hard out here for a pimp.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Winter Is Coming. The Republic is lost. We need to leave now to avoid the radiation.

Winter Is Coming. The Republic is lost. We need to leave now to avoid the radiation.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

I could, for example,

 say something like "President Donald Trump is a small-penised sex-obsessed pervert who stands accused of raping a 13 year old girl and who, given his temperament, has in all likelihood sexually abused at least one of his own children. He is mentally unstable and among the dumbest individuals ever to hold any public office anywhere, is quite probably colluding with Russia to undermine American interests, and spends his evenings aggressively masturbating to National Geographic footage of burrowing meerkats. His sole aim in acquiring the presidency is to convert the Lincoln Bedroom into a Rape Room, and he will sell an American nuclear weapon to ISIS for fifteen dollars and change if he thinks he'd make two dollars worth of profit on it."

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Greta Van Susteren liked Roger Ailes penis just fine.

Greta worked at Faux Spews for years.
Greta defended Ailes rapes and sexual assaults.
Greta was re-negotiating her contract for more money and it infuriated Rupert Murdock.

Greta didn't give a fuck about Roger Ailes sex crimes, Greta happily whored herself out daily.
So, please. Give it a rest.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Shorter Ex-NSA Dick Pic Guy: russia spys on the US perennially but it's all Obama's fault.

(sigh) I guess perennially means shit that happened under Chimpy aWol Bush was Obamas fault too.

With no sense of irony the Ex-NSA Dick Pic Guy (ENDPG) goes on to say, "There’s no time now for partisan game-playing." Well, everything his cryaon scribbles is partisan game-playing.

Read the article and count the number of ad hominem attacks, the unsupported accusations and logical fallacies and get back to me.  As you read the article, you begin to realize it's Sarah Palin Word Salad.

The ENDPG is simply an agitprop hate blogger.  No wonder he doesn't work for the NSA anymore. He's that fucking stupid. In fact it looks like he started out life as a junior Naval reservist got an NSA billet and is now trying to grift his way into a career as a TeaBag WingNut commentator.

The ENDPG claims to be a counterintelligence officer and again without irony says that "American counterintelligence has been dismal for decades".  So he admits he was shitty at his job?

After spending the whole article bashing Democrats, the Dick Pic Guy concludes with, "It’s nice that liberals are finally noticing what Putin’s been up to for years" but offered nothing to support that claim either. He finally pats himself on the back while jerking himself off and says he knew this all along.
"The mainstream media is now onto obvious Kremlin espionage fronts that I exposed years ago."

Isn't that special.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Pull yourself together..."

"Your car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers Arabic, your letters Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant?  

Saturday, August 20, 2016

The NSA is the greatest threat to America since the Civil War -OWilliam Binney

Perception Managers is unequivocally devoted to Freedom, Liberty and the American ideals as stated in the US Constitution. (the current one, not the one with slavery)

Proper citizen participation in America primarily includes Voting.  Not violence, no 2nd amendment solutions but voting.  Voting is based on educated and informed comment. This blog was created to facilitate that with open communication and mostly contains absurd and satirical posts. Hence, (You're Being Played)

The comment section is open to anonymous comments because as we all know, sometimes it's easier to say what you mean when you don't have to worry about negative repercussions. 

However, if you see a comment (or post) you perceive as hate speech, traitorous to the USG or otherwise illegal, please let us know so we may remove it.  While we weren't looking we've accrued thousands of posts.  If something evil is floating in the comments we are currently unaware of it. By all means, if you think someone could be harmed something written here, for the love of the FSM, please tell us!

Ideally, we'd have witty, insightful and positive conversations here.  Maybe someday we could even have comity amongst our friends here. Until then, enjoy! And Vote!


!!! Attention Wealthy Elites !!!

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