Saturday, August 31, 2013

Asshole republicans of the day 08/31/2013

1) Religious bigot chaplain klingesnschmitt lies for republican jesus.
Chaplain Klingenschmitt: Jesus said in Mark 15 that if anyone disobeys or dishonors his mother or father he should be put to death. Jesus said in Luke 17.
John Fugelsang: No, sir. He did not say that. He is quoting Leviticus. He is throwing that back in the face of the Pharisees. Some of us know that story sir.
The reason Klingshit gets away with this bullshit, is that the eyes of sentient being glaze over when some asshole tries to quote 2000 year old goat herders as some sort of 'fact'.  No one intelligent pearson really cares what chapter and verse some passage appears in the 2000 year old book of jewish fairy tales.

2) Pete Prisco is a souless piece of shit who got his nose rubbed in shit yesterday. We wish him all the pain in the world for being a monumental, nasty asshole.

3) Barack "No War Crimes for Chipy" Obama seems to be planning another war of aggression on another Muslim country. Looks like the US is now the Official Air Force for Al Qaeda.

4) Fat slob Jonah Goldberg continues to say stupid ignorant things on the twitter machine.  Who on the left says such factual non-sense?

5) Scott Walker blames his bitter failure as governor on Obama for not bringing peace to the middle east.

6) Dim witted religious bigot David Barton is terribly confused about Freedom from Religion.  Religious freedom is not the freedom to shove your religious beliefs on everyone else

7) The red state rubes at Blue Ridge Christian Academy can go to hell. Extensive child abuse happened there.

Friday, August 30, 2013

"It is unacceptable that the Department of Justice did not consult our organizations -- "

 "Our organizations were given notice just thirty minutes before the official announcement was made public and were not given the adequate forum ahead of time to express our concerns with the Department’s conclusion on this matter.
Who the fuck you think you are, cop? You don't matter. It's not your call. You aint in charge. Go fuck yourself, you self important prick.  What is unacceptable is that you think you opinion matters. Your job is to follow orders. You lack the intelligence to lead, as evidence...your a fucking cop. What arrogance.

Israel continues to spy on the United States despite massive levels of U.S. aid and support

Maybe the US should stop giving apartheid israel free money, weapons and intel.
Israel is listed as one of the key targets for counterintelligence effort with China, Russian, Iran, and Cuba. Even as Israel continues to pressure the United States for the release of American Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli spy convicted in 1987, the report indicates that Israel is continuing to target the United States with espionage.

Asshole republicans of the day

1) Wingnut, teabag birther Jerome Corsi wants you to call him a racist bigot. Also, he thinks sex isn't about being fun.

2) The ever assinine Jim DeMint, formally know as the Senate's Bigges Asshole says providing health care For Seniors And Veterans Is ‘Un-American’ And Grounded In ‘Socialism’.

3) In effort to woo female voters, Turtle Mitch McConnell touts womens's law he voted against.

4) Lizard Cheney says 'I am not pro-gay marriage'. To wit the world says, 'We don't fucking care what racist batshit you think, bitch.'

5) Deep State NSA, run by facists, on a bloated tax payer budget, finds no terrorists. So naturally, every US citizen is a terrorist. That's the reason the NSA has to Commandeer the Internet.

Deep State NSA beginning to piss off white people

The Deep State NSA is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies.

Is the intelligence community running America?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Teabag conservative racist North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory says you're too fucking stupid to understand his genius.

“This is too complex for the journalists,” McCrory said, to laughter from the [Council of Independent Business Owners] members. “They don't have economics degrees, they've not been in business.
McCrory doesn't have an economics degree either.

No more US fought wars for apartheid israel

"A Limited US Strike on Syria Would Give Putin, Assad and Khamenei Upper Hand"
Maybe the US should stop giving apartheid israel free money, weapons and intel.

Old, white republican shit head Judge G. Todd Baugh lets 50 year old rapist off free. The 14 year old child he raped killed herself

Judge G. Todd Baugh is a disgusting subhuman piece of conservative republican shit

This is the ding bat bitch that has to fuck draft dodging coward and serial pedophile rapist Ted Nugent

NSA spends Billions of tax payer dollars to break the law, lie about it, spy on you, and send you to jail

Long Live Deep State NSA!!!

Not one, not ONE, racist republican piece of shit elected official showed up to yesterday's 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

But hey, try not to read too much into that. JK. republicans are racist and mean spirited. And will never win national office again. Good luch with your minority voter outreach!

Asshole republicans of the day

Interesting group of teabag conservative assholes today.
1) Arkansas republican asshole Jeremy Hutchinson recently participated in “active shooter” training and shot a teacher who was confronting a so-called bad guy. The experience gave Hutchinson “some pause” but failed to shake his confidence in the plan. 
2) Bigot Matthew Hagee says those who support the separation of church and state by telling her that such people will have to answer to God for believing this deception. So logically Matthew Hagee says the Founding Fathers are in Hell. 
3) Ding bat racist Rep. Steve King told a crowd in South Carolina this week that unemployed people were like children who wanted to eat before they had done their chores. 
4) Hate radio grifter Stan Solomon: Trayvon Martin Deserved To Die And So Does 'That Faggot' Dan Savage 
5) The cause of Australian student Christopher Lane murder in Oklahoma? Non-priest and executive director of Priests for Life Janet Morana says it is "survivor syndrome" from Roe v Wade
6) The anything but Christian Broadcasting Network hosted Dr. Linda Mintle who says a Pennsylvania bill geared at preventing anti-LGBT discrimination would expose christians as the “bigots” they are. She even asserted that the bill would harm survivors of rape and sexual abuse. 
7) Laura Ingraham is an unrepentant classless bitch who deserves nothing but disrespect and ridicule in perpetuity. 
8) David Marsters, a teabag asshole from Sabattus, Maine says of Obama, he wants to “Shoot the ni**er.” What, pray tell, caused Marsters to issue this death threat? A right wing myth (like most right wing myths) that wasn't true. 
9) The dumbest motherfucker in the US House, texas republican Louie Gohmert insists that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction including nukes 
10) Arkansas State teabag asshole Jason Rapert stated that it is not the will of 80,000 constituents that he represents but rather the will of God because "there's only one vote that matters and that's when I stand before the Lord at the judgment seat." The only little problem with that flawless logic is that the lord didn't put you into office. You constituents did. Worse, they pay your salary. You swore an oath to them not your adolescent superstitious imaginary invisible friend. And you, republican asshole Jason Rapert lied to constituents and betrayed their trust. So enjoy your last term in office you arrogant prick.  
11) Bryan Fischer: America Will Never Elect A Saggy, Old Woman Like Hillary Clinton As President. You know what, you son of a bitch bigot? You are going to live out your shitty life in that grim DJ booth.

It is truly a pleasure to watch the republican party simultaneously lose the culture war and slide further to obsolescence, obscurity and irrelevance. Have a nice day wing nuts!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Coward Pat Robertson says that gay people in San Francisco try to cut people’s fingers with special rings in order to infect them with AIDS.

Coward Pat says AIDS may be contracted by sex, but he is not sure.

"All science, and more than 32,000 leading scientists dispute global warming" is untrue. The whole 32,000 scientists thing is a fraud

The 32,000 scientist fraud is being conducted by teabag conservative assholes and is in no way based in fact. Of course, it you believe in the 32,000 scientist meme, you are too fucking stupid to vote or breath clean air. We're looking at you, Bob Lutz.

Bonus Fun! Art Robinson is a crackpot teabag conservative from hell. Art like to sprinkle nuclear waste on his Fruit Loops. Art's staggering ignorance and arrogance needs to be ridiculed loudly and publicly. He's all yours, republicants.

The Houston Police Department has quite a few pieces of shit with badges

Texas cocksuckers arrested and interogated a 10 year old girl. Her mother was not allowed to see her ten year old daughter during the interogation.
Ashley's Mother also says the Houston Police sex crimes investigator didn't allow her to sit in on the questioning of her daughter. She says a 45 minute long interrogation that left her 10 year old in tears.
Fucking texas asshole cops. Fuck you

Monday, August 26, 2013

Speaking of nasty little punk bitches, Deadbart fellator James O’Keefe is destined to be raped in jail

What a creepy asshole conservative felon.

Laura Ingraham is a nasty bitch

You know who else is a bitch? Karma. Ingraham, you are a nasty cunt. Fuck off.

“the least qualified candidate for office since Caligula nominated his horse.”

How long before the thin-skinned narcissist dingbat from John "The Navy's Shittiest Pilot" McCain's hellish nightmare feels slighted and has someone ghost tweet a nasty, immature response?

Meet conservative bigot and intellectual dullard, Christina Katok

Christina thinks Obama is Kenyan and not born by American Ann Dunham. Yet, Christina thinks that Ted Cruz who WAS born in Canada is American because, “Canada is not really foreign soil.”
“As far as I’m concerned, Canada is not really foreign soil,” she explained, adding that she was more worried about the president’s “strong ties to Kenya.” She noted that Obama had not released his long-form birth certificate until after he was elected.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

NSA Officers Sometimes Spy on Love Interests

There are some sick perverts in Deep State NSA.  Fortunately the NSA is unaccountable, so fuck you libtard.

Friday, August 23, 2013

German gov’t: Windows 8 contains backdoor for NSA, Chinese

Window 8 machines with the “Trusted Computing” chip are not to be trusted. They contain hardware and software that give anyone — including potentially the NSA and even the Chinese — with the embedded “control key” complete access to your system.

iMessage encryption not secure, never was

The DEA's "Special Operations Division" (SOD) was getting information from various intelligence agencies -- including the NSA, FBI and CIA -- and was using that to alert DEA, IRS and other government officials of investigations they might want to do, without revealing too many details. Those agencies were then told to "launder" (i.e., LIE, which was illegal in Pre-Post-Constitutional America) the information to pretend that they'd discovered any criminal activity through other means.

However, I was recently reminded of a story from just a few months before all of these revelations started coming out -- in which a DEA memo was "leaked," in which the DEA complains that Apple's iMessage encryption had "stymied" DEA agents from being able to spy on conversations. Except, as many people noted, this was clearly not true, because the iMessage encryption is not truly end-to-end. Apple holds the key itself, so the DEA can easily get the decrypted messages via Apple.

Mugabe Is Filthy Disease Destroying Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has only a couple hundred dollars in the bank while Mugabe spends lavishly on themselves. At 89, lets hope he dies slowly and painfully. Also Mugabe is a hate monger.

Meet Colorado republican asshole Vicki Marble

She has no idea how racist, bigoted and ignorant she really is. Not all republicans are racist bigots. But if you are a racist bigot, you're probably voting republican while denying being a racist bigoted asshole.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

35 years, that’s almost a life sentence – for crimes that the government was unable to prove actually and directly hurt anyone

That's not the point, libtard! The point is powerful ignorant war criminals were embarrassed! Jesus, what's wrong with you, you un-American traitor? There were promotions to be had! Medals! Ribbons! Who gives a shit if some poor slob or two (or hundreds of thousands adults and children) were murdered? You say war crimes I say potatoes and tomatoes.  You say 'careerism' like it's an ugly or dishonorable word. This is post-constitution America, asshole. Get with the program.

Finally there is one more thing I want to get off my chest. I want every Iraqi family struggling with a congenital birth defect due to depleted uranium to just shut the fuck up and say, "Thank You America, for my Freedom".  Just because Iraqi birth defects are worse than Hiroshima after American terrorists patriots nuked Japan with Little Boy, there is no reason for those sand negros to complain.

Besides, we got rid of Saddam! Mushroom clouds and smoking guns, remember? "Bin Laden determined to strike the US" and My Pet Goat? Good times. Anyhoo, screw you libtard. You don't know anything. 35 years is too good for a traitor like Manning.

House negro Colin Powel schools North Carolina teabag governor Pat McCrory over his new Jim Crow voter laws

Harry Belafonte used stronger language but honestly who gives a shit what Powel says? Like Colin Powel is a bastion of moral turpitude? Powel sold his soul to Chimpy aWol Bush at the UN on February 5, 2003. Powel traded his credibility for the lives and fortunes of hundreds of thousands of Americans and Iraqi.  So Colin, with no respect offered, shut the fuck up.  War criminals like you should be in jail, held up as on object of derision and ridicule for all of eternity.

Captured FISA court: "NSA possibly violated a criminal law against spying on Americans."

Even the secret FISA court stacked with Chief Justice Roberts’ sycophant judges recognized the NSA violated federal criminal law.

Sad trombone. Sad face. Butt hurt. Sads.

You cannot have this much unchecked power and have a free society. The power will be abused, it will be misused, and the more secret the power is the less accountable those are who wield it. The NSA, if nothing else, has proven this point repeatedly. They have tasked themselves the right to spy on whomever they want whenever they want despite Constitutional guarantees against unreasonable searches and seizures.

That's right, bitches! Long Live Deep State NSA!!! Freedom! Liberty. Eh. oh. Wait a minute...

NSA Lied Repeatedly To The FISA Court As Well Congress

Ta Daa! Long Live Deep State NSA! Probable Cause is so pre-Post Constitutional America, you dumb libtards.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Meet republican asshole Jason D. Simione

He beats his dog too.
A South Florida business owner, is accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill family members including his wife and young child, stockpiling guns and bomb-making materials and threatening the life of President Barack Obama. He was ordered held on $5 million bond Tuesday. According to the arrest warrant: Simione “has repeatedly said the President Of The United States should be murdered because he is a n*gger.” In the warrant it states that he did not care if his wife was raped by the hitman. He also used racial epitaphs towards his employees.
Employees said Simione had been stockpiling firearms, ammunition and bomb-making materials and had threatened to kill anyone who attempted to arrest him or take his child. That’s the child he wanted killed by a hitman unless he got custody of the kid.

“Well first of all, for Wall Street criminal practice there has to be a gun. It’s pretty simple.”

The wisdom of teabag asshole republican Tom McClintock.

Pentagon is using the NSA to commandeer the Internet


Reminder: Violence is never the answer. The editors don't advocate it. It will not be tolorated in posts or comments.

Cursing, bitching, whining and trolling gladly accepted here.

Opinions differ.  But once you've relegated those that don't agree with you to 'sub-human pieces of shit that deserve to die', well, you have issues.

So a gentle reminder:  Just words and opinions.  No violence.  No call to arms.  No sabotage.  No harm to anyone.

Republican Mike Rogers lied his nasty, fascist ass off to 65 congress people to enable the unaccountable Deep State NSA

We the people are the enemy.  Looks like TechDirt was right all along. Hey Mike, still want to prosecute TechDirt in light of your crimes against the American people? Dickhead.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Levison of Lavabits got a FBI National Security Letter: “There’s information I can’t share with my lawyer”

Jesus fucking christ. Wow. That's breathtaking. And not the least bit creepy, fascist or illegal and no judge involved. Think about this for a second. Let that sink in. You just got RAPED with the full weight and power of the US Federal Government, and you can't even talk to a lawyer.

Enjoy Post Constitutional America, everyone.  The good news, is that Deep State FBI is starting to piss off white people.  Because as you know, only white people matter in the USA.  Maybe that's why the only two black guys on the planet able to do anything about this don't. Holder and Obama could simply tell the FBI to stop.

Deep State FBI just destroy Levison with no accountability, and no recourse for Levison. 10 years down the shitter and 75K in yearly lost income.  The FBI must be happy Levison didn't have shareholders.

The US Government message to every entrepreneur, is start your business in another country.  We The People, Are the Enemy.

So why did Levison get the letter? Because Snowden was using Lavabits and the FBI wanted to close that method of communication least Levison be "complicit in crimes against the American people".  So Snowden has to get a new email address and Levison gets screwed. Nice.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Windows is checking for a solution. In the history of the world has windows ever found a solution?

Windows is the computer equivalent of modern teabag conservatism.

Have republicans ever solved and issue? Created public good? Not since windows went looking for a solution anyway.

Meet 'Windows 8.1"! Mean spirited, hard to work with and occasionally it stands its ground.

It is a feature, not a bug. Sorry about your computer. Liberty Freedom double goodness!

Religious people are less intelligent than atheists

A new review of 63 scientific studies stretching back over decades has concluded that religious people are less intelligent than non-believers.
Something to about the next time you are forced to listen to some teabagging conservative religious bigot.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Banksters stole trillions from tens of millions of US homeowners. No one is going to jail

Newly released court documents show banksters stole trillions. The NSA breaks the law billions of times a day. Republicans continue to obstruct. The DEA and IRS are laundering evidence illegally acquired from the NSA to illegally to convict pot smokers.

When they come to arrest you, maybe you should listen to republican asshole and Watergate convict G. Gordon Liddy and shoot them in the face.

We the People, Are the Enemy.

"If you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course of action would be to tread lightly"

religious fundamentalism is a mental illness that kills on a sailboat in the middle of the pacific. Meet the Gastonquays.

University of Oxford neurologist Kathleen Taylor says that it’s not only religious fundamentalism that could be categorized as a mental illness, but other forms of extreme or radical beliefs as well.
Yep. Religious Fundamentalism is a disease. For case and point look no further than Arizona husband and wife Hannah and Sean Gastonguay. The Gastonguay's packed their two children and Seans father Mike into a sailboat and left for the Island nation of Kiribati. Why did they leave the US? Because their batshit insane christian disease.
Hannah Gastonguay said her family was fed up with government control in the U.S. As Christians they don't believe in "abortion, homosexuality, in the state-controlled church," she said. U.S. "churches aren't their own," Gastonguay said, suggesting that government regulation interfered with religious independence. Among other differences, she said they had a problem with being "forced to pay these taxes that pay for abortions we don't agree with." The Gastonguays weren't members of any church, and she said their faith came from reading the Bible and through prayer. "The Bible is pretty clear," she said.
Uh huh. will never guess what happened. Well, maybe you might. They nearly killed themselves, adrift on the ocean.
They had been on the ocean for about two months and were low on supplies. They were out of food and were down to "some juice and some honey." She said they were able to catch fish, but they didn't see any boats. Still, we "didn't feel like we were going to die or anything. We believed God would see us through," she said.
Hope is not a vailid course of action. These stupid, ignorant, diseased motherfuckers should of drowned. Instead, Uncle Sucker had to pay for the to be flown home. Yes, these asshole republican religious bigots set off on a voyage on the SS Minow, because freedom, then get lost, broken and adrift, then....The government they fled from arranged their flights home via U.S. Embassy officials.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Fuck you, Koch

It's ironic because the Koch brothers are going to spend and eternity rotting in a rather warm place.
This is what the Koch brothers' business model is producing. The Koch PAC is the largest oil and gas contributor—donating more than even ExxonMobil. Koch Industries sends 90 percent of these contributions to Republicans.

Yves Smith VS Juan Cole

Naked Capitalism against Informed Comment regarding eminent domain.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The NSA collects every word you say and every keystroke you type...and they go after pot users?

Does the NSA go after Banksters? Gun nut mass murderers? Domestic Terrorists? No, the US goes after pot smokers. And of course, everyone in government from the president on down lied about it. The most un-fucking believable aspect of this is that no one is the least bit upset.

Monday, August 05, 2013

The DEA is laundering the evidence, creating an investigative trail that can't be traced.

The DEA can't handle a fair fight. Long Live Deep State DEA!
That's a real problem, because it can absolutely hamstring the defense. It buries the evidence defense attorneys rely on, potentially violating pretrial discovery rules. It doesn't just hide that information from defense attorneys, but sometimes from prosecutors and judges, too. That makes this program at least on the edge of constitutionality, making a mockery of due process and fair trials.
We, The American People, Are the Enemy. Honestly, why bother with idictments and trials at this point? Let's just have a starchamber and start murdering people.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

The NSA is "collecting everything, contents word for word, everything of every domestic communication in this country."

Bluffdale is where the unaccountable Deep State NSA is going to store it all.
Those who disagree with these surveillance programs are at least somewhat suspect. And that could be anyone. So I'm going to take a wild guess and say that everyone is considered a potential adversary.
We, the American People, Are the Enemy. Nobody gives a fuck and the NSA has 'captured' both Congress and the FISA court. "Ta Da!" Long Live Deep State NSA!
It has been widely noted that the supremely rubber-stamping FISA court constitutes NSA "oversight" in name only, and that the Intelligence Committees are captured by the agency and constrained to act even if they were inclined to. Whatever else is true, members of Congress in general clearly know next to nothing about the NSA and the FISA court beyond what they read in the media, and those who try to rectify that are being actively blocked from finding out.
The single most powerful job on the planet is the guy running the NSA. Not the president or congress or even the Supreme Assholes. As brazen and criminal as this is, its only a matter of time before the NSA really fucks up big time. Maybe its blackmail. An Ultimate Insider Trading deal goes sideways. Money disappears. Then a Department of Justice Lawyer requests, ney, DEMANDS the NSA allows legions of investigators, lawyers and lobbyist from Homeland Security, the FBI, the Secret Service, DEA, ATF, the Pentagon, US Marshals, EPA, Departments of Energy and Education, the ACLU and the US Chamber of Commerce get access to and monetize all those sweet, embarrassing and illegal secrets.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Terrorists couldn’t do a better job than the Republicans are doing

Michele Bachmann has hurt fee-fees.
“It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t care about how they looked. It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough. ‘I don’t want to see it and I am not a part of it.’ What the hell! If you have to bomb little kids and send dogs out against human beings, give me a break.”

As apposed to an old, white native-born, American-citizen-hating fascist asshole?

What I need from you is to know what you can do, you and your fellow non-communist colleagues in the lower House, what you can do to stop these communist tyrannical executive orders laid down by this foreign-born, America-hating communist despot?
What the rest of us need this teabag conservative schmuck to do is to die in his Lazy-Z-Boy watching Faux Spews before the next election.

The mutation of the GOP from a political party into a dangerously fascistic cesspit of oligarchs, lunatics and rubes.

But neither you nor I should forget that the madness of the GOP is the central issue of our time.

By the way, yesterday, republican draft dodging coward and serial pedophile rapist Ted Nugent Compares Himself To ‘Black Jew In Nuremburg 1938′

Friday, August 02, 2013

Liver failure didn't make Caleb Howe any smarter. But he'll be dead really, really soon. So fuck him.

You know Caleb Howe, I'm not as expert on flag etiquette as you. Tell me, which do I fly when you die of liver failure?

Thursday, August 01, 2013

"We, the American People, Are the Enemy"

XKeyscore! So! Looks like republican Mike Rogers is a big fat fucking liar after all. Republican Steve King too.
"XKeyscore and other NSA systems to obtain ongoing “real-time” interception of an individual’s internet activity.”
Patrick Leahy says there is no evidence that Deep State NSA prevented anything. Not terrorist attack or activity. Nothing. But Deep State NSA does cost Billions if not Trillions of dollars. You know what's going to happen next? The FBI is going to make a case that they need that data to catch left wing domestic terrorists. Or child porn merchants. Then it will be someone's ex-wife that is being spied upon. Then someone's mistriss. A political opponent will be smeared before (s)he gets on the ballot. This will all be done retroactively and in real time.
Nothing good will come of this. There will be blackmail, murder and crushed lives. We are all being played. The US is now a corporate fascist police state, unaccountable to its citizens.
Congress enabled this unaccountable Deep State and its illegality. The Fourth Amendment banning illegal searches and seizures, police warrants, protection against self-incrimination, trial by jury and the credo of innocent until proven guilty are all gone.

Lets be clear: the NSA domestic spying and the captive FISA court are illegal. The Deep State cannot be challenged or changed and they will lie, deceive and continue to break any law that prevents them from spying.

SkyNet XKeyscore is alive and has gained consciousness. All your base are belong to us. Game Over.